Rags did not know much about deception. Animals did not pretend to be hurt besides playing dead to avoid predators. So, when she say Aighrit was staggering about, Rags did not pay heed to past lessons about her opponent and traps, and went in for the kill. Not even in a frantic rush, but a steady, confident walk towards him. Too late for one trap did he instincts kick in as she brought her sword up to block his strike in the nick of time. She was confused. He had been hurt! Why were his movements so assured now? Unless this was another trap! Remembering traps as her arm was wrapped up and pulled forward, she ignored his sword arm entirely, and focused on his unarmed side. He'd done variations on a theme of this bait and switch several times in the battle so far and this time she was expecting it. As he punched at her face, her own free hand was ready to catch the blow and squeeze his fist as hard as she could. With her strength, it wouldn't take her long to get to the stage where things start making popping noises!