Seb waited on Ellie's go, noting that she was quiet, quieter than usual, almost silent and honed in on the task at hand. The noise of squealing down below reminded the two of what they were doing, and as silly as it was, this was a hell of a way to get their kicks. "Let's do this." -------- Ross sat in the BMW, the dark grey M4 GTS his more "normal" car for these streets, a car that felt ready. For a half mile sprint, give or take, this was a simple run. And when his walkie talkie buzzed, he looked across to Kimberly, watching her already spin up the four wheels of her Impreza, before blasting off, following suit. He kept his window open, as he went through the gears of the automatic, clicking satisfyingly through gears with the semi-auto, the standing half a mile something that Kimberly had the lead on, but he was gonna keep up, as the speedometer kept climbing, and climbing... ----- The dive was simple, it was a brisk leap forwards, opening his arms and legs and flying right behind Ellie, keeping straight on, following close behind her, flying past other skyscrapers like giant steel and glass mountains of their own, as he kept on his shit, following tight but with a little margin. It wasn't a long dive, usually, this would have been a short one, it would have been a hop and pop, but with the wingsuits, it was about 10 to 15 seconds longer. That gave them more margin, and that was something that in this incalculably difficult moment, was something he could hold onto. But what was so different was the sight of two lights beneath them, and they really were racing the cars beneath, given that they could go from 0-120 rather quickly was enough to at least get them closer and closer, and whilst from high altitude overtaking cars on a motorway was not unknown, this was totally different. This was gaining on a pair of very quick cars, and the distinctive yellow and blue beneath were coming close. Still following on Ellie's lead and keeping her in the shot, he backed off, flaring the speed he had as much as he could in the suit, feeling pretty satisfied with the distance and speed from a standing object. The flare was tight, actually pulling back a few feet of height and killing his forward speed- a perfect chance to throw out the pilot chute. Pitching nicely as he felt the canopy roar open, grey and blue in colour, the two cars beneath skidding to a stop, he chuckled. Ellie's followed suit right in front as he kept her in frame, as he knew it would be up to the footage to tell who just won that one, them or the cars. It was a relatively low pull nonetheless, as he flared hard, barely able to even unzip his legs out before landing straight onto the road, waddling in awkwardly as he landed on the street, wooping as he let the parachute fall onto the floor. ------------- Ross slammed on the brakes, as he saw the two canopies thunder open in front of him, before Seb and Ellie landed on the tarmac, already aware that this shit was probably the most insane race that he had ever done. And he couldn't help but grin, as he watched on. "Now that is fucking cool..." He could only slyly comment, his hands sweating from the fact that there was no way he was Opening the door at his side, he saw Seb run over, canopy in hand, lobbing it into the back behind the seat "Shit, we need to go!" He yelled, as Ross chuckled, knowing that with great illegality, of doing a standing half mile down a street and assisting in a bit of a trespass was not exactly the best of things to be done for at midnight in LA. So he was gonna go. "Got it, boss." Ross effortlessly clunked into first as the M4's rear wheels lit up, as he turned around, keeping the walkie-talkie to Kimberly on his dash active, knowing that they'd need to split up. "I'll head towards South Central, head the other way Kimberly, and we'll see each other later on, let's lose this heat!" He called out to his wife, as he turned hard on one of the blocks, the rear wheels let out a little through the bend, Ross keeping it tight to miss a cab, as he headed over the old tramway, before braking hard again and heading down the hill, away from the building with a pace that was going to leave the police stumped.