“Oh, well there are two ways for a digimon to dedigivolve that has a tamer. The first is time, to just let the digimon waste the energy you've given them. The second is forced, where you use the digivice to take back the energy. But be warned that the forced way is said to feel … strange. Like a rush of emotions flooding you. Although these are all records that past tamers made so I'm not 100% certain.” Norn explained to the group as she hung up, ending the call. [hr] Pabumon was confused as to why the rest of the train ride was so quiet. No one really talked to each other as the sound of the train moving echoed outside. Even Kiba, who would usually be talking to him was silent. “Passengers please get ready, we are about to reach our destination.” A voice on the PA system said, probably Locomons. Kiba looked up and opened one of the windows, sticking his head out to see light from the end of the tunnel. The train slowed to a stop as they reached the end, the smell of nature filled the air as the doors opened and everyone exited, with Phase being carried(?) out of the train. They were treated to the sight of a small lake at the base of a mountain chain, telephone poles scattered around the area and random wires ran through the ground. “Welcome to the Mountain Zone.” Locomon said before he began to run backwards into the cave they had just come through. “Stay safe!!!!!”