[hider=Lady Stelsa Lashton] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171104/bdf633ecfae53150258999e087e1e288.png[/img] [img]https://image.ibb.co/d9pbLw/tryr.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [b][color=B6EDC4]Name:[/color][/b] Stelsa Lashton [b][color=B6EDC4]Title:[/color][/b] Lady Stelsa of Ash Falls [b][color=B6EDC4]Age:[/color][/b] 15 [hr] [b][color=B6EDC4]Appearance:[/color][/b] Stelsa is considered pretty, and she is taller then your average 15 year old girl. She has the typical brown hair and green eyes of a Lashton, but her other feature are practically a carbon copy of her late mother. Her long wavy hair reaches all the way to her tailbone. If she is not wearing her hair just plainly down, she is most likely sporting the popular braided styling from King's Landing. Her most prominent feature are her eyes, which are a magnificent mossy green color, that meld into a dark blue rim around her iris. She has a dainty nose, pink lips, and a pretty smile. [hr] [b][color=B6EDC4]Personality:[/color][/b] Stelsa is a clever, optimistic, and quick-witted girl. She has a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things, thus she is not afraid to speak her mind. Her mouth has gotten her in trouble on more then one occasion. She is only just learning to think before she speaks. As a child she was an energetic, and tenacious girl filled with life and humor. She’s never been a fan of people who treat her like a child or think they're better then her. She wants to be strongly independent, but being so young that's not always possible. She likes to appear afraid of nothing, and knows how to put on a brave front. Her Septa raised her with a strong moral background, so Stelsa values fairness and charity quite a bit. But she is also a very unforgiving person in certain aspects. She knows how to hold a grudge, and she has turned payback into an art form. She is extremely loyal and protective of those she loves and puts her trust in. Overall Stelsa is a bright young lady, and a tad impulsive. [hr] [b][color=B6EDC4]Bio:[/color][/b] Stelsa was born in Ash Falls castle, to Lord Renault and Lady Lucia Lashton. As a little toddler she was soft-spoken, sweet, and always full of smiles. Her brother Radford was 5 years older, but he quickly became her protector who she absolutely adored. Her early years were spent in the gardens together with her siblings and mother. Lady Lucia would read her children poems, and tell them stories as they giggled and played. She loved watching her brothers practice their sword fighting, and archery. Stelsa spent most of her time barefoot and following her brothers around like a little shadow. When she wasn't following them around, she was either in her mothers lap, or playing dolls with the cook's daughter [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2c/48/d3/2c48d31703122d6c461cd7ef00f12a22.jpg]Perra[/url], who would later become her best friend. Around six years old, the once sweet little Stelsa quickly turned into a sassy spitfire. An inordinate amount of her time was spent flinging mud at the blacksmith's boys, chasing chickens with Perra, pranking her siblings, and making her Septa's life hell. For the next year she was basically an irritating little hellion, who refused to listen to anyone but Radford. Thankfully that phase ended when she was seven years old, just after her older sister Bryna was married off to Ser Marwyn Belmore of the Vale. Stelsa was her father's daughter, and though she looked like her mother, her personality was more similar to her father in his youth. She would always remain impulsive, and aggravatingly plain-spoken, the complete opposite of her sister [i]goody-two-shoes[/i] Bryna. Stelsa and Perra spent quite a bit of time adventuring around the waterfalls, and playing pretend in the woods around the grounds. The blacksmiths youngest son [url=http://1.fwcdn.pl/ph/96/50/119650/151622_1.1.jpg]Jeems[/url] always seemed to join them in their shenanigans, and so did her brothers on occasion. But the little trio were mighty good at making trouble. Sadly the news of Bryna's passing came a year later. She had died from complications after a miscarriage, and the family didn't take it well. She and Bryna had never gotten along, and the nine year age difference didn't help make them close. But her death still crushed Bryna, and it took its tole on her parents. Loosing their first born changed them a bit, at least from what Stelsa observed. Unfortunately the hits kept coming and two years later when Stelsa was ten, her mother become deathly ill and quickly passed away. She hadn't been able to say goodbye to her mother before she died. The Maester had made sure to keep everyone away for fear of others catching the disease too. The understanding that her mother was gone forever devastated her, and life seemed to change inside the castle after her death. Everything was more somber and serious. Stelsa spent the next few months with red rimmed eyes, and tear soaked sleeves. She tried hard not to cry in front of anyone, but it was clearly visible to everyone that Stelsa was hurting. Growing into a young woman without her mother was difficult to say the least. From her perspective everything seemed to be changing, not just her body. Her friend Jeems started acting differently towards her. Septa started going on and on about how Stelsa needed to start acting more like a demure highborn lady. Even Perra started spending more time with a boy from the village. Apparently there was no more time to play with dolls, or run around pretending to be dragons in the woods. According to the world it was now inappropriate for her to swim in the falls in her undergarments. The time between girlhood and blossoming into a woman was full of frustration, confusion, and to much change. Now she is fifteen years old, and though Westeros is in chaos, it hasn't really hit home yet for her. Possibly because everyone tends to shield her from the big bad world. Her fathers remarriage to lady _____, a woman only ___ years older then herself was not taken happily by Stelsa. She knew her father loved her mother, and he already had more then one possible heir, so why take another wife? In her eyes her father had betrayed her mother's memory by marrying again. And Stelsa has made sure her option is abundantly clear. The idea of Radford also marrying is something she finds annoying. The stress of the realm issues can be felt through her father, brothers, and all the adults in the castle. Stelsa is quickly finding out that she hates change. And thankfully no one has brought up the fact that she is of marriageable age. [hr] [b][color=B6EDC4]Thoughts on the current situation of the realm:[/color][/b] She has no expertise to give an educated option with, but she believe that rumors of King Joffrey legitimacy are just rumors until proven otherwise. And if proven otherwise, she knows that by right the throne is Stannis's, but if she could have her pick of Kings it would be Renly because he is handsome and charming. [/hider]