Ryan walked quickly to the squadron briefing, all the while thinking how almost all of the bases he has been stationed at had the same basic layout. The thought amused him slightly [i]seen one base seem em all[/i] he thought as he turned a corner. Quickly Ryan tried to mentally prepare himself[i]Diane Trenton... My new commanding officer...golden girl...seems to have a good head on her shoulders[/i] Ryan thought as he ran through the mental check list of what he knew about his new CO. He has served in the infantry where Ryan knew a bad leader could cost a platoon lives. Ryan knew she wasn't inexperienced or incompetent, but he was hesitant to accept her at face value. As Ryan neared his destination his mind couldn't help but think back to a say his father had told him. The day Ryan left for basic his father had taken him aside and told him "Pup, you may need hot sauce while your there...but go easy since you don't want fire hole in the field" Ryan had no idea why that popped into his head, but he couldn't help but chuckle. Ryan's father had always known what to say when he was troubled with something. After a few more minutes of walking Ryan found himself looking at his commanding officer and a handful of VGs "Lieutenant Winters reporting for duty." He said after his CO noticed his arrival. Ryan made a crisp salute to his CO and the rest of his squadron mates.