[color=ed1c24]“Wait, so we’re free to wander?”[/color] Jaakuna had a rather mischievous grin on his face. Emiri let out a small sigh. Grant looked at Jaakuna, surprised. “[color=darkorchid]You’re...surprisingly peachy,[/color]” He commented. [color=ed1c24]“And why wouldn’t I be? We have what may be our only chance to explore the one place none of us have been to.”[/color] Jaakuna explained the reason behind his cheerfulness. He would then look at Grant. [color=ed1c24]“You can’t earnestly say that you aren’t the least bit curious about what sort of secrets are dwelling within these walls, can you? That goes double for the rest of you.”[/color] As if Shion was stupid enough to leave things for just anyone to see. But Jaakuna seemed determined, and so Grant would shrug. Nadeline, however, was on Jaakuna’s side, nodding. “[color=coral]I admit, we didn’t get a chance to truly see how the cogs turn around here,[/color]” She stated as she would stand. [color=lightblue]“You don’t have to ask me twice. I’ve been waiting to go snooping once we stepped foot here.[/color]” Savayna bluntly stated. [color=fff79a]“We won’t ever get a chance like this.”[/color] Wesley had stated, siding with Jaakuna as well. Wait, did this mean what Jaakuna thought it meant? Did they actually agree with him for once? [color=ed1c24]“So, I have an idea and you all are on-board? Why don’t you guys ever side with me more often.”[/color] [color=lightblue]“Because your ideas lead us into more trouble.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Mhm.”[/color] “[color=coral]Trouble we usually have to bail you out from.[/color]” “[color=darkorchid]Your last idea led to Levi gaining Zodiark so…[/color] Emiri shrugged. That actually hurt. To think that they would say such things about him and his ideas actually wounded him. But, despite what their cheap shots, Jaakuna prepared himself to turn the other cheek and not react as he normally would because he was a mature man now. He was the Transcendent. Above all else, if he wasted time fighting with them, they would run out of time that would be better put to use exploring the secrets of Utena. [color=ed1c24]”Let us get to work then! This place isn’t going to explore itself!”[/color] Nadeline stood up from her chair and placed a hand on her hip. “[color=coral]This place has a far reach, would it be better to divide and conquer? Or shall we go together?[/color]” She asked. [color=fff79a]“I think splitting up is a superb idea.”[/color] Wesley added, echoing Nadeline’s sentiments. [color=lightblue]“Yeah, I don’t care how we do it. But how shall we go about it?”[/color] Savayna asked. And then suddenly, the lot directed their attention to Nadeline. [color=ed1c24]“Since it was your idea, you choose for us.”[/color] Jaakuna said. She bore a smug smile, enjoying the attention. “[color=coral]The most action will happen with Jaakuna leading the way, most likely,[/color]” She said. “[color=coral]And of course I’d like Wesley to accompany me.[/color]” There was no other way to describe that notion more accurately, and Grant let out a sigh in relief. “[color=darkorchid]The coalition of reason plus Savayna will stick together, I suppose,[/color]” He said, nudging Emiri. Emiri nodded, though she looked at Jaakuna for a moment. Words seemed to be on the tip of her tongue, a protest, perhaps? Nothing was said, however, and she threw on a smile. “[color=springgreen]If it’s the coalition of reason, then we should have Wesley with us,[/color]” She told Grant. Savayna looked at the two and kind of shook her head. [color=lightblue]“If our history has taught us anything, it’s that the most successful voyages are ones where I’m with Jaakuna.”[/color] She shot Emiri a smug look. [color=lightblue]“And of course, every party needs a healer. Sorry to say, but I’m going with Jaakuna and Nadeline.”[/color] She stated more than requested. [color=ed1c24]“Don’t I get a say in this?”[/color] Jaakuna asked, seemingly blindsided. [color=lightblue]“You can say yes.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“But what if I don’t want to?”[/color] [color=lightblue]“Tough shit.”[/color] Jaakuna scowled, though he looked at Emiri, giving her an apologetic smile. Meanwhile, Wesley simply shrugged, looking at Nadeline. [color=fff79a]“It seems we have a change in plans, my darling.”[/color] “[color=coral]Parting is such sweet sorrow my dear, but one of us needs to keep an eye of those two,[/color]” Nadeline stated, giving him a wink. “[color=darkorchid]And now the coalition of reason is complete![/color]” Grant laughed as Emiri gave him a grin. “[color=springgreen]See, now you get it,[/color]” She told him, hooking one arm with his and the other with Wesley, putting her in between the two. “[color=springgreen]Shall we?[/color]”