Okay ladies and gents, Here's how it's going so far. I just screenshotted my desktop this morning so Alexus and I could have a little GM pow-wow. This is a little rough now, but you can get an idea of what I'm doing. [url=https://ibb.co/cbAZoG][img]https://thumb.ibb.co/cbAZoG/solexample.png[/img][/url] Here's our map. I found a nifty site that will remove all labels from Google Maps then I selected a certain US city with which I'm well acquainted and voila. The only things that will not make it into the map will be the ocean to the west, mountains to the east and both airports. I'll just make notes concerning where those are once we get ready to make this official. Right now the "Old" Sol International will be away from the town to the southwest and the "New" one will be towards the Northwest, both about the same distance outside of the city. I had to stretch it on [i]one[/i] of the descriptions. The [b]Lighthouse[/b] can't be within walking distance of the [b]Old Starboard[/b]. I only had to change that one to make things more sensible geographically. Basically, in our world the river that exits to the South will turn west towards the Pacific while it flows in from several mountain sources from the East. So to match some of our history, in the olden days, ships would have come all the way up to where Old Harbor is now and would have been guided by the Lighthouse that sits on that small jetty. I know this introduces a little bit of a geographic constraint, but we think it will be best have a firm map to keep things organized. I've seen games killed over time and place confusion that was allowed to build up and we're not going to have that here.