[center][h3][b]Name[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race/Species:[/b] (Can be just about anything, as long as they are not a god.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (A brief description is fine here. You might want to include pictures too.) [b]Personality:[/b] (A brief description is fine here, as well. Some things you might want to include are your character's likes, dislikes, attitudes, motivations, etc) [b]Statistics:[/b] (Every character gets 35 points to start with, so that everyone is balanced. You can put anywhere from 1-10 points in a category. Your stats will have an effect on the story in various different ways. For example, if you try to cut a dragon's head off with a sword and you have only 1 Strength, it's probably not going to work. Similarly, if you have 10 Agility, you're basically the wind itself and will have no problem dodging arrows, fireballs, and whatever else comes your way.) -Strength: (How physically strong your character is, and how much damage they can deal with melee weapons.) -Perception: (The ability for your character to sense things around them, including sight, smell, hearing, and other senses.) -Endurance: (How physically tough your character is, how much damage can they take, and their resistance to poison, illness, and disease.) -Charisma: (How charming your character is and how easily they can influence the opinion of others.) -Intelligence: (How cunning your character is and how much innate magical ability they have.) -Agility: (How quickly they can move and how sharp their reflexes are.) -Luck: (Plays a role in just about everything, helpful to have.) [b]Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:[/b] (I'll leave a lot of room for creative ability here, as long as nothing is too OP.) [b]Items:[/b] (Swords, potions, armor, whatever your character needs to get the job done. As with abilities, try not to go with anything OP, and make sure you include how your character acquired their items in their history.) [b]History:[/b] (Where does your character come from? What were their hobbies growing up? Try to include some motivations for your character here as well. Your character can be from anywhere outside of the kingdom of Gadabastia, as long as it fits the medieval theme of the story. It doesn't need to be very lengthy, but at least a well written paragraph or two will be fine.)