Crimson stood in the briefing room patiently and quietly, keeping to himself, he took out his gun and checked it over, making sure it was up to snuff, checking the ammo and attachments to it. Crimsons attention was then drawn to the entrance of the briefing room, a female walked in, he seen some other crew members salute to her which could only mean she was of high ranking. Crimson put away his gun and saluted to her as well out of respect, she then later designated herself as Captain Silversten, the leader of their mission. she then showed them a station of human and turian make, Crimson tilted his head slightly wondering as to why, but it was explained to them. After she had briefed them she asked if their were any questions, to which Crimson had something in mind. Crimson stepped forward before speaking in his deep droning voice "Silversten Captain, we have an inquiry" Crimson stated aloud to her as he looked down to her with his three glowing red eye's "are their any fallback plans in place encase something were to go wrong" Crimson asked her, it's not that he didn't trust the lead or plan of Captain Silversten, but that in his past he had whole units scrapped because of good plans going bad in the worst of ways that no one expected "do not get us wrong Silversten Captain, we only ask out of concern from past experiences" Crimson stated just to be clear with her in his deep droning voice as he looked down to her