Ed had no questions. He just listened, his hands behind his back comfortably with the rim of his hat pulled low until it cast a shadow across his brow line. He had managed to squeeze himself beside Zahir, and as well as the smell of the ocean and freshly polished timber there was an earthy musk eminating from Zahir's body which was slightly arousing. He gave Vaia a flirtatious grin, only to receive in return a look of scorn and disgust. Already he had pissed her off with the antics in the tavern. That was alright, if she was disgusted at 'him', it was a great way to keep the disguise under wraps. Ava did worry just how much being Ed might take it's toll on her, and how when she would finally ditch the disguise how much of the old Ava would be left, and how much of Ed would remain. Watching as Galen as he bit into the apple - the sight of the fruit and the familiar crunch reminded Ava of a recipe they would make with apples in the bakery. Apples baked into pastry, rolled in cinnamon and sugar and served warm on colder afternoons. The combination of tart fruit with crisp pastry, and then that delicate dusting of sweetness. It was a famous recipe in her town. Ed snapped back into being before too long, before Ava got too caught up in memory and emotion. "I'm sure I can make friends with a few others on this ship..." he said with a smirk, cutting off Galen as he uttered his crude comment. He was sure to be made a fool of for it, better yet, punished. He rolled his shoulders as if expecting the bucket of water to scrub away at something to be tossed to him any second by one of Galen's minions. It would probably be the Elf, Jax. That one had been giving him looks since the tavern. [i]Suspicious little git[/i] he thought to himself as he made eye contact with the redhead.