[color=a187be]"Are they leaving"[/color] Jesse standing hidden in the crowed that happens this time of year. It is never really not busy here, it is just worst now that the school year is coming. So with a crowd like this it would be best to not come out at all, it is cheaper to buy things from shops around mid-school year as prices increase around now, or books from upperclassmen as they are both cheaper and normally have notes from the classes in them, but it can't be avoided because unlike the other things you can't buy a wand early. Jesse is not that different than any another first year, Who wouldn't want there own wand?, but couldn't risk getting closer, [color=a187be]"Maybe I shouldn't have brought them"[/color] Jesse whispers thinking out loud. Little bumps moving in her clothes as her babies shifted slightly she knew they would behave themselves, but not if that CAT would.