Admittedly there hadn't been a time where Emiri found herself with both Wesley and Grant in her company. Separate, sure, but not together like this. Wesley was the image of a gentleman, though not one shy to getting his boots dirty. His strong sense of morality usually lead him the right way, though admittedly, he was a little stiff as a result. Still, he took his responsibility with stride, and Emiri admired that about him. Then there was Grant, who was...Grant. Rough around the edges, slightly jaded, but overall an unlucky dork. Yeah, that was a good way to describe him. And then there was herself. An idiot who let someone say mean things that hurt her a lot more than she wanted to admit. What she [i]should[/i] have done was tell Jaakuna that she was [i]not[/i] okay with what was said, but once again, she would pretend it was nothing. That maybe their relationship did need a little more work. Idiot, idiot, idiot Emiri. For now, however, she plastered on a smile as the newly formed trio deliberately took off in the opposite direction of the other trio. Admittedly, the headquarters were a lot bigger than she anticipated, and while they would be on the side of caution, she really did hope they would find something of interest. Grant seemed to be in agreement at least, his eyes more curious and searching than she had ever seen. At one door opened to a library that put Rozarria's royal library to shame; so much so, that as they entered, the feeling of a spell cast over them would alert Emiri immediately, though she relaxed as she spotted a waystone in front of them. "[color=darkorchid]How big can this be if you need to travel via [i]waystone[/i]?[/color]" Grant asked incredulously, examining the ancient device. "[color=darkorchid]These inscriptions have six different options as well![/color]" Emiri squinted at the inscription, watching the magicks at play, though with her heightened sensitivity, she did spot something else. "[color=springgreen]There's a seventh, hidden option. I assume it's supposed to be for members only?[/color]" Emiri said, tracing her finger along the hidden lettering, her magicks making the inscription glow softly. "[color=springgreen]A secret section of a library of this size [i]must[/i] hold something interesting, right?[/color]" [hr] Whether it was an impulse or just going with the flow, Nadeline was feeling adventurous. Because of this, the short princess found herself in front of the blonde pair, somehow leading the way. Her heels clicked rapidly, her eyes darting this way and that. In truth, she knew Jaakuna would likely get them into some sort of trouble, and so she decided that if they were going to end up somewhere, at the least she could spare them the trouble. Well, that and she wanted to pick the door. The hallway was vast, and yet, one door in particular caught her attention. While the other doors had people going in and out, one door in particular seemed to be devoid of any people. Motioning for the other two to follow suit, she simply strolled up to it. She was slightly disappointed to find it unlocked, but as they went in, she let out a delighted squeal. Before them were rows upon rows upon rows of weapons as far as the eye can see. Swords, daggers, guns, spears--anything and everything one could think of. Nadeline's eyes were wide with shock, although she then turned to the other two, an excited expression on her face. "[color=coral]Jackpot![/color]" She squealed with delight, clapping her hands together. "[color=coral]Considering the rather diverse members, what wonders are in store for us?[/color]"