[@KatherinWinter] [@EurmalEye] [@Silverstein] [@knifeman] [@AllHollowsEve] [@booksmusicanime] [@Eviledd1984] [@paigesweetheart] [@Framing A Moose] [@Dealdric] [@Illiren] [@Flightless_Soul] [@WelcmeToGudBrgr] Due to a number of reasons, a major one being the loss of focus to keep up with the pace of everyone else, (No one's fault but my own.) I have concluded that, should I continue with this RP at the rate I'm going now, with my head space in what it is right now, it would only cause problems in the long run. Therefore, while the RP is progressing well, I'm going to bow out. I'm sincerely and humbly sorry to everyone here for the inconvenience, especially to Kat herself. I always feel terrible for leaving stuff like this, but I'm hoping that my leave this early won't cause any problems in the grand scheme of things. I'll see my characters out, ASAP. It might be a bit unnatural, but what sudden drop out isn't? I'd like to thank Kat for allowing me to join, and I wish nothing but the best of luck for this RP. You guys are doing great with this progress, and I truly did like this concept, so PLEASE don't let this RP die! Until we meet again...Ciao. ^^