[h2]Madame Rose - Delucian District, The Garden [/h2] Rose nods at the bouncer before turning to the girl as she starts to speak. "[i]Who? In my office?![/i]" Rose raises an eyebrow to the girl, both inquisitively and with disapproval. She rolls her eyes and sighs. "[i]Fetch me hot water. I need a bath.[/i]" She gestures the girl to go. The Madame takes a moment to close her eyes and deeply inhales the scents of the Garden. She opens her eyes and the warming smile is again on her lips. Despite being soaked she calmly crosses the room and goes up the stairs keeping her poise. As she reaches her door, Rose opens it and enter the office. "[i]So, who is this gloomy gentleman that wants to see me?[/i]"