Mandy watched as the Blue haired Juliet stomped over to the window and added to the place's artwork. Sure she could have tried to be understanding but smashing a cup and adding that she didn't seem to understand that any other place would have kicked her out at that point. Did she think she would just walk in and begin doing whatever the hell she wanted; well that answer was obvious. Sighing she returned to researching the Maori Ta moko and how it was done using chisels so that it not only tattooed the skin but in effect sculpted it so that each swirl and arc could be read with the fingertips. [hr][hr] She smiled at Amy thinking of the many others in her life she'd run into who displayed such anger in pointless gestures of violence. Sure the cup only cost her a dime at a yardsale and was something she could care less about if it had been taken but she had just finished sweeping the floor. Then there was the unwanted touch of her personal property, her laptop was her only way to explore the world at this point in her own life and something she defended even from those few she called friends; Walter and Amy were the only ones she allowed to touch it and the old man the one she worried the least about. [hr][hr] Annoyed with modern and predictable music she Mandy went Primal [youtube][/youtube] Eivor was a good release of her my primitive nature even though she couldn't understand a word