[@Blackstripe] Actually, all forms of Dial give a randomized result in every continuity. The concept of a "broken" Dial was actually introduced in the 2012 Dial H run, with the primary difference being that a defective Dial [i]steals[/i] identities rather than copying them. The only way to "game" a Dial's outcome is the ability to reverse time like Centipede did with his Q-Dial, which was kind of like savescumming until he got a good result. You could see this when the Operator, despite creating and perfecting the D-Dial himself, still had times when he dialed useless events and couldn't actually effect which outcome the dial bunch got. But this actually isn't that Dial but a pastiche of the negative effects of the 4th generation H/S/Q-Dials and the overall powerset of the 3rd generation Dial from the 90's H-E-R-O run, though without the residual effects. I'd suggest reading both they're very good comics.