Shane looked at her sadly. he had not mean to claim she was a murderer. She did not have the eyes. All killers did. Heck he had the eyes. he sighed. he had not meant to claim she was a killer since he did not know her. She had saved him right? He owed her his life. "You know something? I am paid to kill. Heck I am good at it. I kill bad people. Those who would destroy the world. I am not that bad of a guy. My team and I were sent to kill and that is what we did. Pure and simple. I would not hurt you. I don't kill innocents. Ever no matter what." He told her looking her in the eyes. There was an innocence to her. It was childlike. She did not know a lot about the world but that did not matter. "How do I know you are not a siren? They say sirens are beautiful. You are beautiful." He comlimented her. "I'm sorry for claiming you would kill me. You saved me and I owe you my life. I'll protect you. I promise."