The praise for her work made Adriana beam at Elizabeth but being cut short from ‘hey you’re great’ to ‘leave’ caused that bright smile of hers to drop almost instantly. “Oh okay, I see I’ll just be g…” Her statement was cut off by Jack’s sudden interjection. And not just any interjection; this was interjection that caused him to be upset and annoyed by Elizabeth and to this; Adriana gripped her supplies to her chest and listened to the conversation. When he called her the ‘manager’ she actually laughed aloud causing all the attention to be pulled to her. At that she closed her mouth tightly and muttered something like ‘I just made the posters’ before suddenly finding Elizabeth apologizing to her. The blonde shook her head furiously, “Oh no it’s… it’s okay…” She attempted to say before Robert approached her. Again, a person she didn’t know outside of what the press made out of him; with his large hand on her shoulder she felt tiny and insignificant as she stared up at him. Holy shit he really was the guy from the band! “You… you can call me Adriana.” She said in a small voice to Robert as he turned to follow Elizabeth and the rest of the band did so as well. This was finally a moment where she could breathe and a long breath of air left her lungs as she loosed the death grip she had taken on her supplies. Too many people! Too many people!! Her attention was jerked away – followed by her entire body as Jack snatched her free hand and started pulling her away from the stage to follow the others. “Jack it’s okay. Really! I visit your mom and sister all the time and they keep me up-to-date with what you have going on so I’ve known a lot. Jack just---Slow down—you’re going to rip my arm off!” While she attempted to hold a serious tone, her voice was laughing. A laugh she had never done around her other friends because only Jack could make her laugh by doing such, well silly things. “You’ve been busy I get it! Plus you’re doing a lot of charity work as well as your performances it is not the least bit surprising that you have trouble keeping in touch with us ‘little people’.” Her voice was playful and kind and just before they hit the dressing rooms she gave him a small pull, the first resistances he had received since they started walking. “Jack, I have to drop off this stuff, it isn’t mine. That and I’d like to try to get some of this paint out of my hair before it dries. I’ll get my stuff situated and meet you at the dressing rooms okay?” When he finally let her go, she proceeded to do the things she needed to accomplish. Except when she was about to lean her head over the sink to clean out her hair, a voice came across the corner. [color=pink]“There you are!” Crystal’s voice rang in her direction and Adriana turned to see her [url=]bleach blonde haired friend with blue highlights[/url] standing in the doorway in a pair of short shorts and a black Lords of Captivating Hearts t-shirt. Crystal was practically a walking billboard of her own talents as her makeup was flawless, her hair was perfect and her skin looked incredible. Then there was Adriana who was covered in paint. “Oh my god… what did you do to yourself?” After her statement she held up her hand quickly, “Never mind, don’t tell me. Just come with me.” With that she grabbed her friend and drug her out of the storage room and pushed her down in her styling chair. “I’m not letting you walk out looking like this, and the BAND is here! You can’t be walking around in paint clothes!”[/color] “But but but!” Adriana desperately tried to protest but it was too late, her friend and begun her work. Thirty minutes and some arguing later Crystal announced she was complete and pushed Adriana towards the dressing rooms. Crystal knew that Adriana was friends with Jack but that didn’t mean she was going to let her friend look like rubbish while meeting up with an old dear person! So there was Adriana, her blonde hair cleaned and curled in a [url=]knee length blue sundress with white daisies on it and a white soft little throw over her shoulders[/url]. Taking in a deep breath she knocked on the door to the band’s dressing room. Did they have groupies in there? Was it just the band? Were they getting dressed and ready to head out to get styled? Was it just Jack? Her heart pounded in her chest as she heard a call to come in and slowly opened the door. “It’s me…” Yes, that was her first sentence…