[hider=NTBITIH][center][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/057/566/large/jason-nguyen-jasonnguyen-mageknightconcept5.jpg?1439144639[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Esquif, son of Ymir and Glod [b]Original/Canon:[/b] Original [b]Alias:[/b] Celsius [b]Age:[/b] While many centuries old, Esquif has only been active for twenty years [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Hetero [b]Skills and Powers:[/b][list] [*][i]Temperature Manipulation[/i] - If there is anything that Esquif can do, it is the ability to manipulate the temperature of a given area, whether it be an aura around himself or a specific area away from him. [*][i]Heat and Cold Resistance[/i] - Being a child of frost and the sun, Esquif has natural resistances to both the extreme heat and the cold [*][i]Ice summoning[/i] - While Esquif may have the ability to summon walls of ice or a frost like his father, they are not as powerful as the frost lord himself. He is limited in this aspect as he has never trained in it as much as his ability to manipulate temperature itself. [*][i]Fire Magic[/i] - Esquif, being a son of a fire giantess as well, has the ability to shoot a cone of fire in front of him. That is about all he knows on the subject.[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Esquif was born in secret, a child between the frost giant known as Ymir and fire goddess Glod, a bastard son with no claim and nothing else to truly live for. While his mother did care for him, he was not as praised as the children between Glod and her true husband. It was hard for him to watch this, forcing him to have resentment for both his father and his mother, and ll the gods in general. Thus he left, finding his own path until he had the opportunity to escape his home realm and into the land of Midgard, aided by a trickster who also wished to retreat from his home for a time. The land of Midgard was a lovely place, people thrived and beauty bosomed in all places, yet, there was violence and war. Esquif got to see all these facts, though he never felt the need to intervene. Humans who met him described him as a man of few words, an introvert who wished for all to be happy. Esquif has been and will always be a hermit, reserved and relaxed. Though, he also walks the fine line between ice and fire with a rage that burns bright inside his very soul, this side is his more not so level-headed side where he rushes into things without and thought. However, Esquif is no liar, he sees the thought as dishonorable and will often speak his mind when he feels his input is needed. For many centuries he has remained isolated until a team of norse enthusiasts found him in hopes of finding some ruins or something like that. Yet, word of his existence never reached the public. That was before a different group found him, a group of recruiters for something that they called the “Avengers” with little else to do in his ageless life time, he accepted and went along. [b]Other:[/b] Voice Actor - Nolan North [/hider]