[@RyuShura], I think you're reading pretty far into it to get at stuff like society not tolerating unusual combat styles for national political representation. That's, you know, maybe a little much, the presumption of fighterocracy and everything. Would such a system even have democratic elements? Is society actually LED by proficiency in the art of violence? I get the Classed have status, but I was thinking it was more of a white collar / upper middle class thing and not, like, "I can beat anyone in a fight so I'm the king now," where high rank would be the equivalent of any kind of social prestige - good university, talented athlete or entertainer - rather than suggesting definite political power. And if it DID, wouldn't crazed blood-giddy fighters be the most qualified? :P [@MordecaiThe 1st], sure, and it's optional and all, just thought it might help put a pin in the present conversation if we were at least reasonably sure Rosalie's not a crazed blood-giddy fighter ALL the time, like, when we're hanging out after class or whatever. Like can we talk to her about the weather and not get stabbed, you know.