With the sounds of movement around him he begun to stir. Motion passed him and he rose to his feet, pushing himself up the wall as the light began to melt into shapes and colors. There he was, still stuck in the citadel halls as some two-bit janitor/slave. He cared little however. The whims of life had already claimed most if not all that he cared for. All that remained was to live for the sake of living. He still had some concerns though, his most immediate one being whether or not anyone had caught him nodding off next to the meeting room like that. Truth was that he didn't care what they thought of his performance or work ethic. What his work master had to say however was of more consequence, especially when it meant having his ears talked off while pretending to listen lest he get reprimanded... Again. _ From her crystal throne she watched the real world's going ons from her fluted gemstone castle. The floating image depicted the sights percieved by Edgar's eyes, a movie of the world presented as clear as Edgar himself saw it, perhaps clearer. The sounds of the bustling citadel echoed within her throne room. She listened keenly, picking out sounds selectively in the event he hears something that might be of even remote interest. Edgar pushed himself from the wall and went over to the meeting room door. He peaked inside through a crack to see if the meeting was still underway. It was. He leaned out of view but he could still hear what was being discussed. So too could she. From what was being discussed by the woman who's name she swore she saw transmitted down into the 'Things Edgar Probably Isn't Going to Remember' memory banks there were two topics of any note. Firstly, there was a ball being discussed. Now she knew that Edgar was never going to be invited to a ball of that echelon, not in a million years, but she had definitely fantasized about attending balls before. She was sure hers were definitely far more elegant and extravagant than theirs could ever even conceive of being but attending balls was just one of those fun little things a lady like her found hard to resist. The other topic of note was whatever the one cross-dressing scientist was going to discuss shortly. Whatever it was, surely it had to be more interesting than any of Edgar's work was. Tripping Edgar while he's carrying garbage started to get old after the hundredth time or so. He was a little more careful about carrying garbage since a few times ago she had tripped him while carrying garbage at the top of a long stairwell. It was a painful spill down some flights of stairs, that much was learned well. _ Reaching forward she grasped an invisible door handle. The seams of her reality were shorn into the rectangular shape of a door, swinging open with the pull of her hand. [i]"Hey, I know just how much you love having me with you but I'm gonna go check out that meeting. Don't stray far now~"[/i] Id teased, stepping out of his mind. The faint sound of door chimes unheard by all but Edgar was the tell she left to let him know she had gone out. The intangible thought scanned the area, checking the space around her for any signs of psychic tampering. Not a sign of another mind nor any devices which presented a threat to her. It helped that the electricity to the citadel was all shot up, leaving a lot of defense systems without power while they scrambled to cobble together their security measures. With the coast clear for now she stuck herself into the room; unseen, unheard and unfelt. _ Edgar wanted to vent internally at this point but withheld given the fact he couldn't know for sure if she didn't just let him think he was alone to see what he'd say behind her back. The last thing he needed right now was another case of reprimandation from her. Those were never pleasant. Instead he swallowed his resentment and went about his way, head hung low in his dreary tired march. Off he left, setting down the hall to go finish off the rest of the trash cans in the wing before he would return to see if these cheap suits were finished their little meeting.