[@Viatos] [hider=TL;DR some idiot rambling on the internetagain.]But here is the thing, I never said my character wasn't banned from official dueling, or that they do not suffer from some form of penalty. In fact, I welcomed the possibility. That is what the discretion warning was for, placed for public viewing. It is a stigma they can never undo or rid of. I expect them to get treated poorly and viewed as some sort of criminal. Hench why they resort to monster hunting and doing other odd jobs. They might even be kept under unknowing surveillance. Who knows? I can only assume that since they were accepted by the GM, who obviously knows much more than I do, that this school pardons such things for some yet-to-be explained reason. Maybe the school has more authority over the government? Maybe these combat Academies [i]are[/i] the ruling order in countries, since their students are the ones who will be fighting the 'wars'. I can't speak on your behalf, but it's not my character [i]wanted[/i] to be cursed like that either. It's just how the cards were dealt to them. And so, they refuse using the bloody thing. Because that's what a moral person would do. The main clinch here is choice. How a person chooses speaks volumes, more than any word or promise. The way I see it, a character's class is a reflection of their own personality. You don't randomly roll around a list of abilities, you craft each of them yourself, all with intention. As I said before, I am a narrative-focused person. I value a good story and characters above all else. That is why I spend so much effort into thinking out my character and their consequences, their backstory, motivations, etc. Now, I'm not asking everyone to go ham as I will on everything. Because I know more than anyone, that I get a little [i]too[/i] passionate about things. But I only expect at least some level of effort from my future peers. To be frank, I already know this society is going to be twisted in some way, skewered into viewing violence is somehow okay. And I'm fine with that. It was largely an excuse. My real gripe here, and I'll be honest, is that I don't think this character is at all well-developed. It feels cheap. Like a card-board cutout of the 'Yandere' archetype. A very similar rendition I have seen far too often at this point. With this level of effort, I can only assume what else they have neglected to even consider. Have they even thought about their role amongst the cast? How they will play off other characters personalities, or how their own might accent something unforeseen about the greater narrative? I am left to wonder. However, that is only my personal concern. Maybe I'll be surprised. Maybe they'll pull a fast one on me, and break out with one of the greatest characters I've ever seen. But somehow, I doubt it. Call me cynical, an asshat even. Anyway, I'll leave it as that. It is not my choice, anyhow. I shall accept the official ruling from the GM, whether I like it or not. All is left is to finish my concept drawings and contemplate how I spent a majority of my free afternoon debating with a complete stranger over the ethics of a fictional game set in a fictional society, in a fictional world, on an online forum.[/hider] Post: Forgive my outburst, I do not mean any of you personal spite. I would not put so much effort if I did not care. If my disturbance is great enough to warrant my own ejection, then I will comply.