"Yes yes sit down all of you." Mr. Adams had his fair share of quirky students every year, nothing they would do could faze him, provided they didn't step out of line. His Gardevoir giggled at the contact from the friendly trainer, "Now if we're done with the distractions..." Mr. Adams said, looking clearly at the standing Maxwell, though not unkindly. "We can begin class. Terry opened up his books and started writing, though not notes, instead he drew vague sketches and doodles, some useful, some not. Aaron yawned and fell asleep on the ground. "I'm sure by being here you all have a strong understanding of the type chart." He went around briefly asking random students type matchups, nobody missed anything. "And you likely all know the passive traits of the types, poison types can't be poisoned, in any way, for instance. We are of course still discovering new things about the types, it's still a mystery why the newly discovered Fairy types cannot be harmed by Dragons. In case some of you don't have experience with this phenomenon, here's an example." Adams pulled a navy blue and red Pokeball out from his jacket pocket and deployed it in front of the class. A dangerous looking Dragon-Shark appeared before the students. "Don't worry, Slash here is harmless. As a demonstration, Slash, use Dragon claw on Hikari." The teacher's Gardevoir remained stone still, knowing full well what would happen. The Garchomp as well seemed to know what was going to happen, as he only put forth a weak effort as his talon was wrapped in flame and he slashed the Gardevoir. A bright light appeared and absolutely no damage was sustained. It appeared as though the attack phased right through. "This interaction is of course strange, how nobody noticed this until recently is similarly unusual." Continuing with the theme of introductory mechanics, he began to explain moves and type pools, and the mechanics of how Pokemon have affinity for certain moves, especially ones they share a type with. He called on the student to the farthest front and right, Terry. "Now, your Grovyle over there, is of course a grass type, and I'm sure you know that species signature move is Leaf Blade. What you may not know, is a Leaf Blade from a Grovyle or Sceptile will not only be more powerful because of the shared typing, but that move from that species will be more powerful than a Leaf Blade from any other Pokemon." Terry did not know this, not that he had ever seen another Pokemon use the move at all. Aaron continued to doze in the sun, unaware he was being discussed. "Now, your homework... you are each to have a battle with one of your dormmates today. Officially refereed of course." He barely suppressed a chuckle, knowing that since there was an uneven number of people in each dorm, that one person would wind up battling twice, and he wondered how this would affect the social dynamics. "Now, you are all dismissed, and have free time until one PM, when your next class begins. See you all tomorrow."