[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/357732550854049792/372896146747817984/Untitled46.png[/img][/center] Eve's response was not a surprise to Marlin, he had gotten that a lot and was very used to people telling him he drank too much, he didn't care. Just as those words left her mouth the room seemed to take action immediately. His plate left him, Yoki finished his sandwich, and Eve was back out the door to finish up the boy's new room. All before he could get a word in. Marlin sighed lightly to himself before leaving the table, he glanced over to the Blonde Fox, [color=8493ca]"Thanks for the food man,"[/color] then popped his head out the same door Eve left through, [color=8493ca]"I'll probably catch up with you tomorrow or something, just don't leave town without me,"[/color] he figured if Diana got back to the group before he did she might convince them to just go a man down. With those words he headed for the front door tossing his hand towards Yoki, [color=8493ca]"See ya later guys,"[/color] before bouncing outside. It seemed to be getting dark, faster than he expected but the sunlight was still plenty on the streets. Would only last for about an hour or so. He threw some aura in his feet, enhancing his muscles, but only small fraction simply to increase his speed so his steps were a bit bigger but nothing out of ordinary. He knew of a great place in town that he used to drink at, served just about everything and it wasn't always about the alcohol. Upon arrival he stepped through door, dropped his aura, and took in a deep breath through the nose. The same smell he always enjoyed. He looked around seeing some decorations changed and others still there that were older than him. Approaching the bar he waved to the tender who recognized him from the past, [color=f7976a]"Marlin, been awhile where ya been?"[/color] With that said the man proceeded to open a fresh bottle of Marlin's favorite liquor then glanced down the line to see if his normal seat was open, it was occupied. [color=f7976a]"Uh sorry bud, some redhead has your seat tonight, want me to ask her to move or you gonna go for the bigger cushion,"[/color] a wink leaving his face. Marlin waved and nodded at the old aquiantance before stating, [color=8493ca]"Work, been hired by Beacon for a job so I'll be around."[/color] He scanned the room seeing some of the TV's before reaching back on the counter to grab his fresh glass of whiskey. When the bartender mentioned his seat taken he looked over to see who it was, [color=8493ca]"Shit, wasn't expecting her,"[/color] it was Diana and there was no escaping now. He had already paid for the drink and he wasn't going to waste, besides this was his favorite bar, he wasn't gonna let her kick him out of it. [color=8493ca]"Uh no it's fine, I know her, sort of."[/color] He left a small bill on the bar as a tip before heading over to the soldier. He took a seat next to her while setting his glass down, [color=8493ca]"Ya know, this is the last place I'd expect to find you,"[/color] spotting her own glass of wine he figured she had good taste and wasn't exactly here to get fucked up.