[center][img]https://akphoto1.ask.fm/229/782/706/710003009-1rtcosg-dde2oo76l17te0p/original/xFPGpinq.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Nami Fudo [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Digivice color(s)[/b]: Red and White [b]Personality[/b]: A really nice girl,Nami does her best to help out others. Those who know her well said she delvoped a loving and caring person like her older brother. There are times when Nami is really timid, but she won't let anyone step on her toes. She's actually really sassy and kinda gets ahead of her self often. Lastly, Nami is very motherly like, she's the right person to come to when your feeling blue [b]Backstory[/b]:Nami lived a pretty normal and decent life with her older brother, who was extremely close to her. Growing, Nami really didn't have to many friends. Her older brother had stayed by her side. No only this, her brother was really smart and talented. He had often helped her out with her school work when she was in a right spot.He even cared for Nami when their parents where busy. Life was most certainly good, until Nami's brother graduated school when he was her age. After his graduation, Nami's brother had suddenly vanished. He was no where to be found, the police had looked high and low for him. She did get extremely depressed, but her determination to find her brother broke her depression. 3 years has pasted now and Nami hasn't given up on her brother [img] http://dma.wtw-x.net/DMA/DigimonStands/Bandai/Shadowman/Hawkmon.png[/img] [b]Base Form[/b]: Hawkmon [b]Nickname[/b]: Ankh [b]Attacks[/b]:Feather strike, Beak pecker,loop the hawk [b]Digivolution Line[/b]:[url=https://wikimon.net/images/f/f0/Pururumon.gif]pururumon[/url]||[url=https://wikimon.net/images/thumb/e/e7/Poromon.gif/142px-Poromon.gif]Poromon[/url]||Hawkmon||[url=http://mblogthumb3.phinf.naver.net/20131102_98/drjung98_13833972261430zthB_JPEG/300px-Aquilamon_re_collectors_card.jpg?type=w2]Aquilamon[/url]||[url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6523/8f15f7065f9f7e7c5c096e1b3b5c26767b00b6ac_hq.jpg]Silphymon[/url]||[url=https://pm1.narvii.com/6377/b2283b97dec67627a0b88ae24d37873244f71690_hq.jpg]Valkyrimon[/url][/center]