Airi huffed in a bit of disappointment. “The one time I got you sick… the [i]one[/i] time and you will not try any of my other food? It’s been years since I cooked for you!” Her voice was playfully persistent as she poked gently at his chest with her finger. Fresh from the hospital and ‘retired’ from being a Chunin, she invited Kakashi over for lunch which she attempted to make along with some homemade biscuits. The biscuits were a hit but the other food was a hit to his stomach and he locked himself in her bathroom for a good hour vomiting. After that he stumbled out, thanked her for the meal than offered to take her out to lunch next time. Since then he’s ate her baked goods but never touched her food again. Boy she’d make a horrible wife if she hadn’t been practicing… [i]A wife…[/i] The phrase echoed in her mind and her small hands gripped onto the vest across Kakashi’s chest. “Kakashi…” She began softly, in a whisper to his ear, “Do you think…” Oh she had so many questions she wanted to ask the man she was on the back of but… her nerves got the best of her and she buried her face into the nape of his neck and shoulder. “You can slow down a bit?” Her face was boiling hot, she couldn’t ask him [i]those[/i] questions, that wouldn’t be a good idea. At least not yet… Feeling her face calm down a little she pulled it from the nap of his neck and gave a smile as her hands loosened their grip on his jacket. “I’m surprised you haven’t finished that book already. You must really be slacking.” Her voice was slightly teasing as she gave him a grin. “Did you hear? They’re making the first book of the series into a movie.” Her voice was teasing and playful as she informed him of that and her playfulness returned. Why would she suddenly get shy like this? Where would her mind go? And why couldn’t she make herself talk to him about certain topics? Instead she made herself change the topic and mask it with humor before she addressed him with another question, “Are you doing a structured training plan or are you going to wing it? Group exercises or personal growth training? You know, things like that.” If there was one thing she was looking forward to as a Chunin it was the ability to teach people the art of being a Ninja and yet… she didn’t even have time to get her own Genin to train so she, theoretically was living vicariously through Kakashi by asking him questions and asking to observe him. But those dreams… they were gone now.