[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7MuryQw.png[/img] [color=ed1c24][u][b]Jaakuna Aka[/b][/u] Location - Iwagakure / Interaction - [@Seraphicide][/color] _________________________________________________[/center] It was impressive, discussing stuff like this again. Most fights in the old days where like this. A good bickering just to get a feel of who you fought. All the great names did it, since killing without letting people know who did it never left a reputation. But to that extent, it was interesting to know his legend was passed on a bit past his death. After all, wouldn't Iwagakure remember him. [color=ed1c24]"Old news, buddy. But I'm setting up the biggest prank of my life."[/color] He chuckled, teeth flashing at his opponent. [color=ed1c24]"Right now, you and I are just filling in the gaps of a much bigger story. I think you'll be my filler villain. I could use a few of those."[/color] Notably it seemed Kisuke had a weapon that could absorb chakra. Since he so easily seemed to cut right through both of his attacks. That was always a fun thing, and unlike Samehade it didn't seem like Kisuke's weapon had a grudge against eating fire. At least the man seemed nice enough, still lots of chatting. [color=ed1c24]"So in all honesty, the real question is this, Kisuke Sagara. What do you think we're doing? Are you setting up something bigger? Because I can tell from a glance something special about you."[/color] There was a pause as he brushed his hair aside, allowing the two to match eyes for a moment. [color=ed1c24]"You're playing a game of your own, aren't you? I played fake before, and I can smell it on you. You've been at this game a long time. The way you hold yourself, the way you speak. You can fool others easy, but me? I think you and I have a bit of a thing going on~ And I like that a lot. It's actually pretty interesting picking my words right, so I don't spoil the surprise for anybody spying. But you're good. The good kind of good that makes me excited."[/color] A smile for extra measure crossed his lips. He took a step closer, letting his fan drag along the ground. [color=ed1c24]"So, because I haven't introduced myself formally... My name is Jaakuna Aka. It's nice that you know my name, cuts out some of the bullshit on having to tell you my past."[/color] He spun the handle, taking another step closer, as if he was ready to greet a friend. [color=ed1c24]"I've got bigger fish to fry too. But, if we're going to play this game, then how about this for a game. You ask a question, and then I ask a question. Deal?"[/color] He didn't give Kisuke a chance to reply, since what fun was a game without a little pressure. He darted forward, striking out with his fan in small quick swipes. It all seemed, playful. [color=ed1c24]"I'll start. What's your favorite color?"[/color] --------------------- [b]Clones - Doing something wicked...[/b] It was a nice house. Small, didn't stick out at all and Jaakuna may have missed it if he wasn't looking for it to begin with. There was just one problem, the family living there. The house was occupied by five people at this point in time. A father, clearly in his later years judging by the stripes of white hair. Then there was the mother, who was just as old, and kinda haggy looking judging from the wrinkles and how she hunched over. And a daughter, about the age to enter the academy if she was even able. Finally, there was two clones of Jaakuna, one standing in front of them, growling with his teeth bared like a feral dog. The second was seated comfy and stretched out on the dresser as if the whole world revolved around him. [color=ed1c24]"WHERE is the cellar!"[/color] The first clone growled, holding the man off the ground with a hand. His teeth snapped in rage as the man panicked before him. "T-There is no cellar! I swear, I don't know what you're talking about!" He pleaded, hands clutched together. "Look, I've lived here fo-" [color=ed1c24]"Twenty years, right? Well the guy who lived here first had a cellar, so where is it?"[/color] Jaakuna growled, tossing him to the floor. [color=ed1c24]"Trust me, it's either you show me where the door is, or I bust your floor open!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"You know, I think Seijuro would have been smart enough to seal it off..."[/color] The second clone said, huffing softly and rolling his eyes. [color=ed1c24]"So we'll have to break the stupid floor anyway."[/color] "Don't you dare break my floor!" The older man shouted, kicking the clone uselessly. "I will not be treated this poorly in my o-" THWACK! The man hit the wall hard, and the crashing sound of plates and cups filled the air. [color=ed1c24]"Oh shut up..."[/color] Jaakuna said, raising his hand and smashing it against the floor. Large cracks began to form along the floor, spreading slowly before another strike caused the center to cave in. The third smack broke the floor completely, and the two clones fell into a secret room. The family left on the first floor, with a hole stuck between them and the exit. The room below was surprisingly large, as it managed to stretch well beyond the area originally set. It was the home of Seijuro for several years, plotting in secret, with plenty of puppets hidden away for him and him alone to use. Large scrolls lined the walls, But now they where probably empty. Their puppets removed and placed in a better hiding spot. But there was one puppet left of any value, and as the two clones looked around the dust filled room, they pushed aside piles of paper. Plans and design schematics for other puppets, including one of all things a schematic for a human puppet based off Jaakuna himself. Though considering all the old members of his criminal team where given similar documents, it was clear that Seijuro may have been expecting them all to die at one point. Looking over a desk, the first clone began to unravel a set of larger scrolls. Each marked with a number counting up. 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, and 八. Number 1-8. [color=ed1c24]"I got it."[/color] The second clone grinned from ear to ear as he picked up the largest scroll in the room. Marked for all to see was 九, exactly what they where looking for. The number marked on it was the one for nine, but the clones took whatever scrolls they could carry either way, slinging each of the nine scrolls over their back. Only the 九 scroll mattered to them, but the rest could be useful. They leapt from the hole, and vanished. Making their way as quickly as they could out of the village. And they where gone. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cFjlpPv.png[/img] [color=39b54a][u][b]Kurin Senju[/b][/u] Location - Amegakure / Interaction - Team -[@Seraphicide][@BladeSS4][/color] _________________________________________________[/center] [color=39b54a]"Well, I guess we're moving in as a team of three."[/color] Kurin said, turning to look at Kai. He handed the Byakugan user a radio, just to make sure they could remain in contact if things went south for either team. [color=39b54a]"Nousagi, Tashiro, I'll take point."[/color] despite the team being oddly set up without a jonin captain, Kurin knew he could make it work. Shame they didn't have one, but that's just the kicks isn't it? He kept things rather polite between himself and the border guard shinobi. Mostly explaining the situation, and receiving silence in return. In all honesty, he knew why. Nobody liked having the safety of their village questioned, especially by a Hokage who couldn't protect his own. But as things where, it was best not to push matters more than they had to. He gestured for the others to follow along, making note that the pace was fairly simple. Nothing too fast, suggesting there was no urgency, but faster than a leisurely stroll, suggesting they had some reason to be moving. Either because they wanted to get this over with... Or... He decided not to think too hard on it. Nousagi though was the most aware of the group. His eyes where active, gazing ahead of the group to make sure there was no ambush. And yet... He noticed something before the others. [color=bc8dbf]"Tashiro, you where there fighting the terrorists, correct?"[/color] He kept it... Civil, so nobody thought too much of his question. [color=bc8dbf]"Tell me, what kind of men did you fight? I heard they wore black uniforms, with skulls on them. Kind of childish to be honest. And what about a fan? I heard one of them had a fan on his person."[/color] He was leading Tash on, knowing that if Tash corrected him, and mentioned an umbrella instead... Well, with his eyes, he could tell from a great distance that Yogensha was in a meeting. When the Black Ops shinobi came, they had to increase the pace. So as his eyes narrowed in, he caught snippets of their conversation. [i]'I fought one of your companions- I had made it evident I have no interesting in the conflict between your group- I offered them the ability to come talk and discuss with me at any time.'[/i] Interesting, but for now there was no point to jump any bridges... But the Hokage would be interested. Nousagi followed Tashiro up the tower, pulling his focus back just a bit. Judging from the state of Yogensha's heart, she wasn't afraid, instead... He suspected some kind of calmness... Planning. But it was clear that their arrival would breed conflict. May as well cut their conversation shorter... Kurin was the first into the room, Nousagi to his right. From the odd wink from the Hyuuga he knew something was wrong. A morse code of speaking, so he wasn't surprised to see members of the terrorist cell when he stepped in. He raised a hand, and it began to splinter and grow. Already ripping the bandages of his arm apart and slamming into the two doors. The twisting metal wrapped around the sudden growth, which forced them easily apart. A hole opening up wide enough for the three to step in. [color=39b54a]"You know, you could allow us the moment of greetings before attacking."[/color] Kurin said, before looking over to the Lady Yogensha and her two aides. [color=39b54a]"Sorry for the arrival, the Hokage asked us to speak with you. I was unaware you had guests already. We would have gladly waited outside for our turn."[/color] [color=39b54a]"Nousagi, take the swordsman with Tashiro. I'll see what I can do to keep this encounter brief."[/color] Kurin said, a direct order to his two allies. Hopefully both Amegakure and Konohagakure could work together on this, but... He figured it was better than nothing. At least they had the number advantage. [color=39b54a]"If you surrender and lay down your arms, I'm sure we can discuss some kind of arrangement and a proper trial for your crimes."[/color] [center]_______________________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3VU5ROR.png[/img] [color=8882be][u][b]Ocha Kyusu[/b][/u] Location - Iwagakure / Interaction - [@Seraphicide][/color] _________________________________________________[/center] Ocha was seated comfortably as the shinobi began to die in front of him. Their corpses falling to the ground, spasming out as life left their bodies. And the seal that kept his power restrained died with them. Clever Tsuchikage. That idea that if somebody tried to show up and kidnap him that he should be more than capable of fighting back. He clasped his hands together, well before Seijuro entered the building. Slowly a mist began to seep from his body, vanishing and mixing in the poison cloud that filled the entire building. That was just enough of what he needed. Because by the time Seijuro stepped in, whatever he had in mind was... Meaningless. Since he now entered a world where Ocha himself was in charge. Seijuro was a puppet, that much was clear at a glance. Judging merely from the creaking of his joints, and just the smell of him. The Ocha Kyusu he met in his cell was rather relaxed, smiling even at the dead who littered the floor. He didn't seemed scared, in fact he seemed amused. Though in a way it helped that such things where a frequent occurrence for him. He'd never manage to count on ten hands the number of times he'd been met with would be assassins or others who claimed some kind of greater claim over him. He drummed his fingers together, and kept his eyes on Seijuro as he spoke. [color=8882be]"Well... That's clearly a tricky situation."[/color] He said, leaning forward. [color=8882be]"Either I go along willingly, or you kill me. Mind I ask what you even want of me first? After all, if you're merely holding me hostage for something I'm not interested. If you have something else planned, I do have a morbid curiosity. Since I'm more than aware that Sano is a part of your gang."[/color] It may take Seijuro a moment, but they had met before. Briefly, and long ago back when Ocha worked under Sano. He was his bodyguard, having operated for the previous Mizukage, and then for Sano when the tides had turned. Being close to the man in charge had given Ocha a few, albeit brief chances to meet the mastermind behind the last great shinobi war. Ocha himself having done a fair amount of research following Seijuro's death, so he wasn't surprised by this whole ordeal. [color=8882be]"You see, I'm rather busy. I have a village to run, and I don't plan to be in Iwagakure much longer. My original plan was to walk out, but you've complicated that a little. So, to keep things brief, tell me what exactly you want of me, and you can be out of this village without a wasted effort. I appreciate it so much more when others come to a better understanding of each other."[/color] Ocha stood up, and pressed his hand against the cell door. Easily he pushed it aside, looking the puppet master in the eyes. [color=8882be]"You are a smart man after all. There is no point in killing me, and I've no interest in sitting in a cage without reason."[/color]