[Center][img] https://i.imgur.com/4A6oTNj.png[/img] The boy she bumped into was really impressing. Not only him, but the other students as well. Hikari snapped out of her thoughts,slapping her cheeks with her soft hand. There was no way she was going to fall behind, she had to do her best as well. The girl inhaled her breath and took off for the 20m dash.Speed was in her element, so this kinda wasn't a problem for her. She thought she did pretty well on this...kinda [b]20m dash; 5.35 second[/b] Next up was the high jump. Now, she wasn't all to good at this, so she thought. Her jumping abilities wherent as good as her running. Plus, Hikari was was abit nervous, so when she went for the jump, she kinda stumbled abit but kept moving ahead. "T-That wasn't to good..I still have to keep going forward." [b]High jump; 1m..rippers[/b] Now the shot-put..this was going to be fun. Without her quirk , Hikari's physical strength was reduced. She was still kinda weak with out it, so doing this made her nervous again. Hikari lifed the ball with her tail, since she had more power there, inhaled a deep breath, and slung it. Pfff..it kinda helped,better then nothing [b]Shot-Put; 20m[/b] The last course was no problem, right up her ally. Hikari manged to finished the dash in a reasonable time . She felt pretty proud of her self..if only [b]100m Dash; 1min 10 seconds [/b] Hikari joined the students who had finished, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She was abit tired from all of this, but no one said this would be easy now didn't they?[/center]