[quote=@Ghost Queen] [@Migyudon] The only things I can see as being problems is the age and the whole "actual wires in the skin" thing. We're a bunch of highschool kids with superpowers as a focus of the RP, and the wires in the veins thing would just electrocute your blood to death. Would probably flow better if your Electric Surge ability is something that you either do as a class ability or through purely technological means. [/quote] Discounting the fact that the wire part can easily go into body horror territory (I mean, if she get's hurt a bunch of bloody wires would be poking and dangling from her skin and tissues), I don't think that it has any actual problem given that we aren't going realist on any accounts here. The age may indeed be an obstacle for character interaction, but it depends mostly on the player's skill to overcome it, so it's not supposed to be that much of an issue.