[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mt59tJN.png[/img] [/center] [hr] [Hider=Update: Things in between (This is just for flavor)] Mystral was in the middle of a rather tense card game under a bridge. The stakes were a measly few denominations, nothing to worry about. She just needed to pass the time, maybe get some information through small talk. [color=f49ac2]"So Boston."[/color] She starts, looking at the cards she's dealt. The sum was particularly low; she'd need a much higher card to win this round.. but this isn't the game Mystral wanted to play. [color=f49ac2]"Lots of busy things happening, right?"[/color] [color=0076a3]"What'ya mean?"[/color] The guy grunted, as he did so, a portion of their makeshift table shook. [color=f49ac2]"You don't know? There are more undercover cops I've heard~"[/color] Eagerly, Mystral waits patiently for her verbal trap to snap. [color=0076a3]"Then we'll find 'em and kill 'em. Same as always. Those undercover cops are just jokes; they'd think twice to mess with the top dealer in Brooklyn"[/color] Everyone called themselves "The top-- whatever it was they did", some sort of ego boost. To Mystral, he was just another bowling pin in the stack. [color=0076a3]"You really think the cops give a shit about who takes my stuff or not? Psshh!"[/color] The guy she's playing with grunted again, knocking a short stack of chips down. He just draws a card and grins. [color=0076a3]"Besides..I wouldn't worry about that.. missy."[/color] The man laid his three-card hand down to reveal a high sum of 15. [color=f49ac2]"Yes. You [b]could[/b] do that.. but"[/color] Mystral palmed the next card in their draw pile, flicking it's edge coyly [color=f49ac2]"Didn't you hear about the rich kid you're selling to? You think the officials running this place will just let that pass by? I heard she's the daughter of a powerful powerful man~"[/color] She actually went on that table knowing nothing, just some whispers of a druggie politician's kid. She was hoping for a thread-- she was handed the spool and sewing machine. [color=0076a3]"That kid? MacCloud's daughter? That's old news, missy. We got that under control. So you must be their representative huh?"[/color] Her eyes widened. A representative this time? [color=f49ac2](So.. this politician has direct ties to the drug dealers, too~)[/color] Mystral pulled the card finally; she'd had enough of this silly game. How unlucky for her-- she needed anything but an ace to get a higher hand.. sadly, luck wasn't on her table side tonight. [color=f49ac2]"Well."[/color] She shrugged and lay down her losing hand. [color=f49ac2]"I guess you win~"[/color] Mystral walks away casually, surrendering her money, neatly wrapped in a rubber band. The guy she played with happily took the cash, raking in the dough as if he hadn't just given Mystral some blackmail material. Hook. Line. and Sinker. [/hider] [hr] [@Sickle-Cell] 'bzt''dinglingling~''bzt' Her phone dings, a tune reserved just for special instances. It imitated a metal banging-- a cauldron calling her attention. She could barely hear it from the height she went to. Her feet dangled from a local high rise, to and fro it went as she read the message. Mystral was used to the usual threats, from her enemies, from her allies-- whoever. The threat of termination almost felt like an endearment to her. She even hummed as she typed her response. [color=f49ac2]["On it ;) <3"][/color] Favors such as these excited her. She gets to have someone to play with! The more challenging the better; she loves playing against the odds from time to time. Her instincts told her to check local bridges connecting Brockton Bay and Boston, if in case this target wanted to leave the vicinity. She intends look for anything suspicious such as armored trucks, or unusually inconspicuous people-- but then again, there wasn't much info on this Level 8 Master. [color=f49ac2]["Actually, could I get more info on him? A photo maybe?"][/color] She emailed the Protectorate informant, but also did her own side of investigating. Mystral goes to Brockton Bay, almost instantaneously. She liked being flashy with her portals whenever possible. She grabs her main tool: a titanium parasol, then jumped off the building. She could feel the wind in her face as she fell. The slow blur of the cars and noise mixed together into a climactic tune as she conjured the portal to Brockton Bay. Mystral opened her titanium umbrella in the air to act like a parachute for a smooth entry to her destination. [color=f49ac2](Now to look..)[/color]