[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/370419802071629824/Diana_Seraph.png[/img][/centre] Diana sat at the bar still not looking in Marlin's direction, she was distracting herself with objects on the walls and such. She sighed as Marlin was correct about what whine she'd gotten, she expected him to know his way around alcohol but hoped he wouldn't have been able to piece together her tastes. [color=firebrick]"I drink for the pleasure that the taste brings. Not to get drunk."[/color] she frowned and looked over as the very luxurious drink was push towards her, she couldn't help but be curious. She looked at Marlin with a slight scowl but took the drink anyway [color=firebrick]"And here I thought that you no sense of taste..."[/color] She wasn't impressed with his comparison of drinking a sublime wine and getting "shit faced", she was slightly weary of the drink. But she'd taken her sweet time with the first wine and figured she'd be alright, unless this drink was incredibly potent. She doubted it would be potent or else Marlin would probably be drinking it. Her curiosity eventually overcame her sense of caution and she lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip. It was brilliant, she felt a slight flush on her cheeks and a startled noise escape her as she drank the absolutely stunning drink. This caused her to blush slightly and she quickly swallowed the amount of wine her sip acquired. She took a slight breath and crushed her feeling of embarrassment along with the red on her cheeks. [color=firebrick]"That was enjoyable... Thank you..."[/color] Diana took another sip this time prepared for is amazing taste. Her tone had softened from her usual harsh and disdainful one. It seemed as if she wasn't actually mad at the moment, wouldn't go so far as to say happy, but it was still a step forward.