Man, everyone's characters are so unique and interesting, I'm loving them all! I hope mine's up to standard. [hider=Fig] [center][h1][b][u][color=orchid]Fig[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [img][/img] [h3][b][u][color=orchid]Race[/color][/u][/b][/h3] Pixie [h3][b][u][color=orchid]Appearance[/color][/u][/b][/h3] Fig is four inches (or ten centimeters) tall, but weighs almost nothing. This is usual for pixies; one could be sitting on your shoulder right now and you wouldn't be at fault for not noticing. Out of his back protrudes a set of partially transparent dragonfly wings colored the same sky-blue as his large round eyes. Atop his head, which is slightly large in comparison to his body, is a messy mop of slightly curly brown-gold hair, and poking out of that is a large pair of antenna that gives him an exceptional sense of smell. Unless he's taking a relaxing nap in a bird bath somewhere, Fig will generally be wearing a simple tunic over short pants and pair of slippers sewn out of undyed silkworm silk. [h3][b][u][color=orchid]Age[/color][/u][/b][/h3] Five, pixies only live to twenty years old. [h3][b][u][color=orchid]Personality[/color][/u][/b][/h3] Pixies are simple creatures by nature, so do not have nearly the broad spectrum of emotions that humans do. Instead, they have a mere three. Though each pixie has a different set of emotions, every pixie has one emotion for each of three categories. "Contentual", a positive emotion that gives the pixie enjoyment and a reason to continue living, "Relational", a neutral emotion that helps the pixie relate to other pixies or non-pixie creatures, and "Destructional", a negative emotion that acts to warn the pixie of a dangerous circumstance or creature. In Fig's case, these emotions are adventurousness, shame, and fury. While Fig is not malicious in any way, he tends very strongly towards being self-centered due to a lack of understand of others. He's very prone to holding grudges long past forgetting the act that caused the grudge in the first place. So about a day. However, he very much enjoys hanging out with other pixes or non-pixie creatures, and others seem to enjoy his company despite his flaws. [h3][b][u][color=orchid]Statistics[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Strength:[/b] 1 - Pixies aren't known for their large muscles. [b]Perception:[/b] 3 - Gets easily distracted from the things that are currently distracting him. [b]Endurance:[/b] 3 - At least he can survive a couple swats from a flyswatter. [b]Charisma:[/b] 7 - All pixies are cute, he's just [i]especially[/i] cute. [b]Intelligence:[/b] 3 - His brain is about the size of a peanut, and just as good at remembering things. [b]Agility:[/b] 8 - He puts the "fast" in the term, "Fast and Furious". And also sometimes the "furious". [b]Luck:[/b] 10 - Is poker that game where everyone gives you their money for free? [h3][b][u][color=orchid]Traits[/color][/u][/b][/h3] All pixies have three major traits. Their ability to fly, their ability to magically cloak themselves from danger, and what they're most known for, something non-pixie creatures refer to as Pixie Dust. Flight is pretty self-explanitory, they have wings and know how to use them. Their cloak power is a little more complicated. When cloaked, creatures of their choice (even ones they're not specifically aware of) cannot see, hear, smell, or anyway sense the pixie through nonmagical means. Or rather, their senses of the pixie are almost entirely muffled. If one was to pay very close attention, they might notice a very slight blur, like that caused by heat, at the position of a cloaked pixie. Pixie dust is the most complicated. A pixies skin is very different than that of a human. It's flakey, like the feathers of a butterfly's wing, but also regenerates very quickly. This allows them to release it as a form of dust. This dust can obsorb into creatures or objects and causing magical effects to occur. Larger objects require more dust to affect, and the dust only holds magical properties for a short time after release. The pixie dust holds a different type of magical effect depending on the emotion the pixie was feeling during release, and just as each pixie has a different set of emotions, so do they have different sets of magical effects. Fig's contentual pixie dust holds its magical power the longest by far of all his dust types, lasting a whole hour. When obsorbed, the creature or object becomes weightless in relation to the air around them. This allows creatures affected to swim through the air as if it were water. The magical power begins to lessen ten minutes before its power is lost, causing creatures and objects affect to gradually gain weight until they're back to normal. Fig's relational pixie dust only holds power for a brief amount of time, only long enough to use immediately, and creatures that obsorb it will lose the last ten seconds of their short-term memory. Does not work on inanimate objects for obvious reasons. He unfortunately got the short end of the stick when it comes to his destructional pixie dust. It holds power for only ten seconds, and simulates the sensation of being tickled. Helpful for distractions if the creature is ticklish, but other than that pretty useless. Especially when matched with the fury emotion. Also does not work on inanimate objects. [h3][b][u][color=orchid]History[/color][/u][/b][/h3] Fig was travelling about the forest surrounding the pixie colony's housetree, spreading seeds from the flowers Uui grew in the garden, when he came across something very strange. A muddied [url=]pendant[/url] was sticking out of some fallen leaves. The only creatures residing near the colony other than pixies themselves were regular wild animals, so finding something like this was very strange indeed. Leaving his duty behind, he flew down to investigate. After giving it a quick tug to pull out it of the ground, he brushed the dirt off. It was about the size of his torso, and for some reason it gave off an ambiant heat. Etched into the metal on the back were the initials, "T+V". Very curious about the artifact, he flew it back to the housetree to his friend and resident human expert, Ris. She came to the conclusion that it was a symbol of love between two humans, and was quite heartbroken by the fact that it was now apart from them. It was at this time that Fig decided to go on a grand quest to find and return it to them. Where were they? He didn't know. How would he find them? he didn't know. How would he know if he did find them? He didn't know. Nor did it occur to him that he didn't know, as he was too busy feeling excited by the idea. However, preparation would be required. First, he went to say goodbye to all of his close friends (Ris, Uui, Ely, Wig, Fir, Doe, Alm, Bei, Sap, Ben, Gin, Kol, Uno, Tho, Nom, Pet, Wey, Hya, Yes, and Tia). Then, he got some silk and fashioned some straps onto the pendant so he could carry it like a backpack (also kept him nice and toasty). Finally, he went to say goodbye to all of his close friends (Ris, Uui, Ely, Wig, Fir, Doe, Alm, Bei, Sap, Ben, Gin, Kol, Uno, Tho, Nom, Pet, Wey, Hya, Yes, and Tia). After that, Fig was off. It's been several weeks since then, and he's long since forgotten about the initials on the back of the pendant. Instead, he pursues fun, games, and adventure. Anything is possible in this strange land of the humans! [/center][/hider]