[center][h1][b][color=00a651]Charles[/color][/b][/h1][/center] Charles would sigh in back of his head about these tests, just sounds like a pain to him. But he had to do it, he decided to save the 20m dash for last since it was going to be his least favorite, probably wont get that good of a score knowing himself. He looked at the others, they all seemed bit to simple to him since he already figured out what he should do for each one. He decided to start out with the shot put, he went over to the device to start it up and picked up the ball, he was surprised to find out the ball was made of metal. He shook his head at this then transformed his hand to wrap around the ball, he decided to use the sling approach since they could use their quirks. making the ball hand from him slightly in the goo he starts to rapidly spin it from the end of his arm. When it gets up enough momentum he'd do the step up and releases it, throwing the ball. Thanks to not simply relying on his strength and used momentum instead he hoped he'd get a good enough record. [center][b]Shot put - 25m[/b][/center] It was farther than the world record, though barely, but wouldn't really count as a record since he didn't use his own strength, instead used essentially the sling to get it, if he could build up more momentum he could of sent it farther but o well, no second tries. He then headed towards the High jump, he wondered how he should do this one, should be bounce or should he try a stretchy method. After thinking for a couple of seconds he activated the machine and took his position a little ways away from the pole and begun to run, quickly transforming his legs into essentially springs and starts bouncing on the way gaining momentum and then when he reaches the pole he brings down all that momentum and releases it launching up high clearing the pole by a good ways. [center][b]High Jump - 7m[/b][/center] It was fairly high thanks to all the momentum he used to launch his jump but again like shot put he used his quirk in a way to give him an advantage so he didn't feel like it would properly count. He then looked at the last two activities, the Dash and the Race, he decided to do the dash finally and, he decided to try it in his human form. Since he knew information on his quirk was in the teacher's hands, if he was told to rerun it as his slime form he would but he'd try with basic human form. [center][b]20m Dash - 6.34 Seconds[/b][/center] The dash ended up being about the average time pretty lackluster in the end. Now was for the 100m race, this one they could freely use their quirks on, so he decided to use his body's abilities to the limit on this, he stretched his body out towards the starting line preparing his starting moving, when it started his body would sling shot forward like a rubber band taking him with it, in mid air he would suddenly shrink becoming his real form since he wasn't really hiding it to begin with, the small teardrop clear color slime. He would bouncing across the ground using it as his means of moving. [center][b]100m Race - 8.45 seconds[/b][/center] It was alright for him he expected if he could expand his mass further he could of gotten a better starting momentum to give him a further launch but to late for that. He went back in human form, of course making sure his clothes appear as well as he takes human form, to the other students as he waited for the final results.