Kiba jumped to the window and stocked his head out to see the girl “Waaahhh! New people!” He yelled in joy as he looked at the two before looking above them to seem what looked like a weird swivel shape in the air. “Wait, what is that?” He asked as he took out his digivice and used what seemed to be a camera app to get a zoom up of the swivel. What he saw was 2 things, one looked like some weird hybrid between a dragon and a serpent flying through the sky the other was what seemed to be a mix between a human and bird. A different program began to activate and a name appeared on the screen. “Airdramon and Harpymon?” Kiba said which immediately caught Wolfys attention. “An Airdramon and Harpymon? Here?!” He yelled as he pushed the two humans at the door out of the way. “Haha, this time it'll be MY turn to digivolve.” Little did Wolfy now. It wasn't. Kiba ran outside and to the girl with a digimons side. “Hurry! You'll both be safe inside the Locomon.” He said as he led the two inside to where Phase was sleeping and Gilt was standing guard. “Gilt, protect everyone in the cart. And you,” he said looking to hawkmon. “Eat this and come fight if you have enough energy.” He said as he input a command into the digivice and a huge comically big piece of meat appeared. Outside the train, the two flying digimon hovered above the ground as Wolfy did a staring contest with the two. “Intruders, come quietly and we might just spare you.” The Harpymon yelled. “Hehe, to think we'd find such … delicious looking prey out here in the middle of nowhere.” The airdramon said. “Lord Gravimon will be pleased when we bring you in. “Then we’all just have to make sure not to be caught by you.” Wolfy replied. (For this battle I kinda want Hawkmon and Hirchmon to digivole since they can fly when digivolved.)