Hello! I'm looking for a small/medium and committed group of individuals to either join or create. (Maybe 5-7 individuals?) A little bit about me - I'm 23 and I'm currently in graduate school studying to become a therapist and working 2 jobs. So, needless to say, my time is limited. Nevertheless, I WANT to write again. In undergrad I had a second major in writing for fun so, overall, I at least have a wealth of writing experience (how "good" or "bad" it is is entirely subjective). However, since then, my creative writing life has been stagnant/non-existent. Due to the many commitments I have in my life, I want a group of trustworthy and consistent people who I can keep in contact with outside of the website in case I forget to respond for a while (and vice versa). (I'm on my computer more than once a day and I am always on a chat program for gaming when I am on the computer to relax, so that's what I mean by that.) As for writing, I am pretty relaxed and my rule of thumb would be to ask yourself after each post "is this something someone can reasonably respond to?" We're making a story together and sometimes that necessitates multiple lengthy paragraphs and sometimes that means 2 sentences or less during a quick dialogue back & forth scene. Therefore, my only expectation is that the post be RESPOND-ABLE. EDIT: I feel the need to add, I DO like detail and depth to posts, so my standards are bit higher than one-liners and speed posting. I just don't like unnecessary wordage. I have a lot of interests for roleplay but mostly I just want to go on an original adventure (I prefer fantasy and fiction but I am open to more realistic). I'm just looking for some roleplay to participate in that piques my interest. If we create group we can all brainstorm a setting/plot/theme/etc. and see about going from there or if someone already has those things, I'd love to hop on board! Oh and I feel the need to note, I am willing to participate in a RP with darker/adult themes but I don't write smut. I look forward to adventuring with you!