[color=f26522][centre] [h2] [b] Map and key in hider below[/b] [/h2][/centre][/color] [hider=Map and Key in for Sol City Locations] [centre] [url=https://ibb.co/kmdg0n][img]https://preview.ibb.co/mJDELn/solcity21018.jpg[/img][/url] [/centre] [h3] [b]Key:[/b] [/h3] [b]Areas[/b] 1. Central Point 2. Corona Park 3. Old Harbor 4. Riverside 5. Southside 6. Western Shore [b]Places[/b] 101. City Hall 102. Luna Sports Facility 103. The Old Starboard 104. The Coffee Pot 105. Sol City Zoo 106. Swan Song’s 107. Old Sol Museum 108. Solaris Universatas 109. Footsteps Bar 110. The Lighthouse 111. Light Lane 112. Golden Mike 113. Nova Wave Arcade 114. Visionworks Radio HQ 115. 501 Club 116. Sol Memorial Medical Center 117. House of Lords 118. SCPD HQ 119. Kesho Studio 120. Sol City Volunteer Rescue Squad [b]Not Pictured[/b] 201. Northeast to Sol International 202. Southwest to Solaris County Regional (Old Sol International) [b]Landmarks[/b] 301. Costa Bridge 302. Main Street Bridge 303. Matthews Bridge 304. Heart Bridge 305. New River 306. St. Alexus Bridge 307. Wild Island Bridge [b]Highways[/b] 401. Interstate 98 402. Interstate 23 403. Interstate 923 Loop [/hider]