I'm working on the OOC now. As of this moment, I am building the Codex to flesh out the lore of Arkadia. I will post sections of the Codex here on the interest check as I complete them so you all can get more of an understanding of the world. The OOC will be a short while before it up, so I'm sharing the information as I go so you can brainstorm for your characters when a CS template is made. ^^ [center] [hider=Codex] [img]http://howtoexitthematrix.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Magic-book.jpg[/img] The Codex is Waldenkore's encyclopedia which documents history, key figures, creatures, and the land the land itself. The Codex is an ancient book, kept in Waldenkore's archives. While it is available for all to see and read, it is closely guarded by the Knights of Lexicon. With enough validity, any individual can add knowledge to the Codex. [hider=The World of Arkadia] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/caa1/i/2015/324/c/3/ice_world_by_scoobster33-d9hcile.jpg[/img] Arkadia is a desolate, frozen world that hasn't been graze with warm temperatures for millennia. The axis that the planet rotates on allows for only the north pole to face the sun at any given time. This means that one half of the planet is constantly always day, while the other half is bathed in perpetual night. At the equator, the world exists in permanent twilight, with the sun always on the horizon, and never rising higher, or tucking away. The northern hemisphere of Arkadia is of course warmer than the southern half, but the temperature is still biting cold and lethal to those who travel unprepared. The southern hemisphere is considered devoid of human life, with temperatures reaching well below -100 degrees Celsius on a warm summer 'day'. Near the north pole, where Arkadia sees the most exposure to the sun, temperatures can reach as high as -30 degrees Celcius. This is the only place on Arkadia where plant life can be seen, though it isn't uncommon for it to be buried in snow throughout most of the year. However, the sun is dim, and the sky is always dark blue or gray, depending on the weather. Hurricanes and storms on Arkadia are violent and cold. Winds can gust up to eighty kilometers per hour. Snow storms can appear as massive white walls in the distance, reaching as high as four kilometers. Sometimes the storms can carry millions of razor sharp shards of ice, which can eviscerate anything caught inside them. Arkadia has a single moon, Babylon, which orbits close to Arkadia. The moon is a juggernaut in the sky, and it is clear that it has an atmosphere of its own. Much like the planet it orbits, Babylon appears as a white tundra with little to offer. Astronomers have created long ranged spyglasses to study the surface of Babylon, and have spotted herds of creatures adapted to its frozen surface marching for food and shelter. Every year, Arkadia is bombarded by meteors and small ice comets. This event is known as 'the Lancing'. The thousands of celestial objects pierce through Arkadia's atmosphere, and slam into the ice and snow of Arkadia's surface. The snow does well to cushion the impact, and the heat from the meteor creates lakes of water in the newly formed craters. Arkadia is pock marked with these craters, each centered with long spires of ice and rock from space. The lakes only remain liquid for roughly two weeks, and all forms of life flock to these oases to drink and be warmed by the meteor. The Lancing has been observed to occur on the surface of Babylon as well. [/hider] [/hider] [/center]