10:00 PM, Coast City Police Department, back alley Rebekah glanced left and right, making sure no one saw her step behind the police building. [color=a0410d][i]Why the hell we don't have cameras back here is beyond me, our tax dollars at work I guess,[/i][/color] Rebekah chuckles darkly. She had just finished up her shift for the day, leaving behind a bag of pastries and a fresh pot of coffee for the night shift. Reaching into her duffel bag she pulled out a faded red hoodie and a set of bdu pants and sets to work changing, watching her surroundings all the while. Always the same routine. Work during the day, more work at night. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. The routine was exhausting but Rebekah knew the streets were already a bit safer with her watching them. Slipping on the hoodie, she releases a breath and pictures the form of her wings; large and brown, no longer hidden by the belt she wore always. They slip out from between her shoulder blades, past the hole she cut out of the back of her hoodie and stretch to their full length behind her. Rebekah stretches and removes a white paper bag from her duffel before stashing it behind the alley dumpster. Smiling, she recalls the little girl who gave the bag of sweets to her earlier in the day. "Officer Beka! Wait for me!" "Mama says I needta thank you for finding my doggie Sam, so here! They are gummy worms cause those are my favorite!" Lucy had requested very tearfully earlier in the week that Rebekah should find her dog, and if there's one thing a beat cop is good for, it's finding lost dogs. What she wasn't prepared for though, was that this "Sam" turned out to be a freaking Great Dane the size of a small horse. [i][color=a0410d]How anyone loses a dog that size I will never know [/color][/i] The dog had been happy to return with her after some coaxing out of the park with half a sub sandwich, and the little girls offer of sweets was very appealing to Rebekah's raging sweet tooth. The rest of her shift had gone by as usual. Helping people across busy streets, writing fines for litterers in the park, chasing off the group of schoolkids who hung out in front of the liquor store. The life of a street officer was pretty mundane, it seemed. Only the smiles and waves of the regular faces of the neighborhood seemed to cut through the drudgery of the day. [i][color=a0410d] Just gotta make it through your shift, Bex. Then the real work begins[/color][/i] Stuffing two of the brightly colored worms into her mouth, Rebekah places the bag into her pocket and beats her wings [i]HARD.[/i] She rises over the roof of the building and hovers, listening to the sounds of her city at night. Searching for the first sign of trouble. Off in the distance she hears a sharp sound, like glass breaking. She notes the direction, south east of herself, takes a breath and takes off. It only takes a few minutes to arrive on the scene, a small storefront with a shattered windowpane. She can hear the movement of at least one person inside but Rebekah knows better than to run into a B&E blind. She perches on the roof, drawing her baton and awaits the burgaler's reappearance. After a few minutes, two men step out of the storefront with sacks of stolen goods slung over their shoulders and make their way to the car parked across the street. [i][color=a0410d]Easy prey, never gonna know what hit them,[/color][/i] Rebekah mutters and descends swiftly towards the would be robbers. She lands with her boots in one of the men's backs, knocking him to the ground with force; and knocks the other in the back of his head with her baton. He cries out and turns, swinging blindly at his assailant. Bekah sidesteps him and knocks him once more, watching the man crumple to the ground. Bekah crouches down to check the man's pulse and upon confirming his unconsciousness she grabs the sack of goods he dropped. Walking to the other man she grabs his as well and places both back through the window of the shop. Swiftly, Bekah returns to the two thugs and grabs them by their jackets. She beats her wings again, harder now due to the extra weight, and heads back into the sky towards the station. When she reaches it she unceremoniously drops them both onto the pavement with a note in the front pocket of the big guy's jacket. She knocks on the glass of the front doors and turns, lifting off into the night as an officer steps out and looks around before turning their attentions to the men. She pulls the note out of the pocket and reads: [color=a0410d] tHESE MEN ROBBED A STOREFRONT, 2106 BROAD. THEY WILL KNOW BETTER THAN TO DO IT AGAIN. HAWKEGIRL[/color]