[i]Here are some of my NPCS I've just thrown together. 1) If they have taken a role you've wanted- let me know I'll delete them off this planet. 2) If you're interested in playing them, editing them, using them for science- they are yours. For now they are just to fill up space where we will need. Friendly reminder; I'm going to make everything deadlined for [b]WEDNESDAY[/b]. I originally said Monday but I figured we needed more time. Will start Friday-ish; and then every Friday I will make it a new day in game; unless something is going on that requires more time- in which it will be held off until the following Friday. This roleplay does have an end game to it- so it won't be everlasting; it will just last until the 30 days of night are up- or until everyone dies off :D .. :( [/i] [hr][hr] [hider=Pastor Quentin Adams][img] http://i61.tinypic.com/2hcm5p1.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Pastor Quentin Adams [b]Age: [/b] 67 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 60+ [b]Occupation: [/b] Pastor [b]Room Number: [/b] 1100 [b]Personality: [/b] + Good listener + Helpful + Selfless - Loud - Overbearing - Stubborn [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b][/hider] [hider=Derek Yates][img] http://i57.tinypic.com/ivbeqs.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Derek Yates [b]Age: [/b] 45 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 30+ [b]Occupation: [/b] Police Chief [b]Room Number: [/b] 1101 [b]Personality: [/b] + Leader + Knowledgeable + Skillful - Private - Abrasive - Not A Team Player [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b][/hider] [hider= Rosemary Adams] [img] http://i58.tinypic.com/303buop.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Mrs. Rosemary Adams [b]Age: [/b] 64 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 60+ [b]Occupation: [/b] School Teacher [b]Room Number: [/b] 1102 [b]Personality: [/b] + Articulate + Cheerful + Practical - Busy - Undemanding - Sensitive [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [/hider] [hider=Daryl Davis][img] http://i62.tinypic.com/oil21.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Daryl Davis [b]Age: [/b] 49 [b]Gender: [/b] Make [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 10 [b]Occupation: [/b] Fire Chief [b]Room Number: [/b] 1103 [b]Personality: [/b] + Charming + Daring + Polished - Aggressive - Assertive - Tensse [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b][/hider] [hider=Gerry Gergich][img] http://i61.tinypic.com/ix8ewy.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Gerry Gergich [b]Age: [/b] 78 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 70+ [b]Occupation: [/b] Main Office Worker/Postman [b]Room Number: [/b] 1104 [b]Personality: [/b] + Kind + Upright + Patient - Clumsy - Aloof - Weak [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b][/hider] [hider=Antonio Parona][img] http://i58.tinypic.com/i1mslz.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Antonio Parona [b]Age: [/b] 80 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 75+ [b]Occupation: [/b] Grocery & Convenient Store Owner [b]Room Number: [/b] 1105 [b]Personality: [/b] + Humble + Compassionate + Generous - Unreliable - Submissive - Messy [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [/hider] [hider= Hubert Humperdink][img] http://i57.tinypic.com/24qvdxe.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Hubert Humperdink [b]Age: [/b] 90 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 90 [b]Occupation: [/b] Unemployed [b]Room Number: [/b] 1106 [b]Personality: [/b] + Cultured + Hardworking + Scholarly - Unpatriotic - Cold - Mechanical [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b][/hider] [hider= Katherine and Joey Giles][img] http://i58.tinypic.com/111qpe9.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Katherine and Joey Giles [b]Age: [/b] 25 & 8 months [b]Gender: [/b] Female & Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 2 [b]Occupation: [/b] Laundromat Upkeeper [b]Room Number: [/b] 1108 [b]Personality: [/b] + Lovable + Sociable + Youthful - Proud - Stupid - Unrealistic [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [/hider] [hider= Dave and Jenny Warbler][img] http://i59.tinypic.com/258mmi1.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Dave and Jenny Warbler [b]Age: [/b] 23 [b]Gender: [/b] Male & Female [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 1 [b]Occupation: [/b] Bartender & Waitress [b]Room Number: [/b] 1109 [b]Personality: [/b] + Adventurous & Artistic + Calm & Charismatic + Friendly & Fun Loving - Soft & Surprising - Bland & Blunt - Escapist & Extreme [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [/hider] [hider= Margorie Bouvier][img] http://i58.tinypic.com/29pbs53.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Margorie Bouvier [b]Age: [/b] 28 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 12 [b]Occupation: [/b] Mayor’s Assistant [b]Room Number: [/b] 1111 [b]Personality: [/b] + Attractive + Cooperative + Witty - Childish - Faithless - Misguided [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [/hider] [hider= Mayor Bryan Goodge][img] http://i57.tinypic.com/2r3ux51.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Mayor Bryan Goodge [b]Age: [/b] 53 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Years in Whittier: [/b] 40+ [b]Occupation: [/b] Mayor [b]Room Number: [/b] 1112 [b]Personality: [/b] + Hearty + Observant + Self-reliant - Greedy - Bizarre - Obsessive [b]Small Biography: [/b] [b]Relationships: [/b] [/hider]