The Triarchan Republic, and war with Kurgan Dominion has been completed. [center] [hider=The Triarchan Republic] [img][/img] North of the Kurgan Dominion, the Triarchan Republic ruled. The Republic was easily the most powerful nation on Arkadia. They farmed on fertile lands, graced with warm weather throughout the year. The Republic began on both ends of a land bridge that connected two continents together. This natural bridge meant that any trade to be done with nations on the other continent, must first pass through the Triarchan Republic. Because of the volume of trade that went through their land, the Triarchans prospered and grew to immense power. They wielded their magic to focus it inward on themselves; thus, allowing for each individual to surpass their human limitations. Triarchan soldiers were stronger and faster than most men. A single Triarchan Hoplite could match five Kurgan footmen. Being that the Triarchan Republic's heart lies between two continents, the people became fine ship masons. It wasn't long before ships of Triarchan make did away with manpower for propulsion, and used magic to control the winds and drive the ships onward. With the best ships and soldiers at the Triarchan Republic's disposal, none could stand up to their might. When the senate was called to an audience with a Kurgan emissary, they were none too happy to hear that magic must be abolished. Doing so would cripple the Triarchan armies and fleets. Some senators simply dismissed the emissary's claims of apocalypse, while others claimed that the abolishing of magic was a ploy, so that the Kurgan troops could move in against a weakened empire. The emissary was sent back to the Dominion with instruction to tell the Sultan, "We will not succumb to your attempts of subversion." Despite the tensions that arose between the two nations, trade continued. As per usual, merchants and traders from the Republic were escorted by a cohort of Triarchan hoplites to fend off bandits and aggressive wildlife. Dozen of these cohorts were within Dominion territory with the High Sultan formed the Inquisition, and outlawed magic. Since each hoplite was a mage, they became the first targets of the Sultan's inquisitors. Thanks to the mage hunters' anti-magic equipment, the hoplites' weren't able to enhance themselves with the magic they so heavily relied upon. It was shown to the Kurgan people that the Triarchs weren't unbeatable, as inquisitors cut through them with ease. This act of aggression spurred the Republic into action, and it began to mobilize its armies to the Kurgan border. Trade ended, and aggressions flared. At this point, the Republic was unaware of the details on how their hoplites were killed in the Dominion. They figured perhaps an ambush, or maybe they were overwhelmed. So when the first wave of Kurgan troops charged over the border, the Triarchs were woefully unprepared. Kurgan citizens who had witnessed the deaths of the hoplites had been inspired to join the ranks of the inquisition. These inquisitors served as the Kurgan cavalry vanguard. With magic negating horse armor and spears, the Kurgan onslaught broke through the Triarchan lines. Without magic, the hoplites equaled the Kurgans, but they were outnumbered ten to one. Before the Triarchan senate would here of the news from the front line, three whole armies of Triarchan soldiers had nearly been completely wiped out. The Supreme Chancellor of the senate, angered by this crushing defeat, irrationally deployed the rest of the Republic's armies to meet the Kurgan forces on the battlefield, while the fleets would simultaneously assault the Kurgan coast. The fleets were more successful than the armies. Their mana driven ships swiftly pushed into Kurgan waters, and had won a number of naval battles along the way. Kurgan port cities were the targets for the fleets. They moved to engage the defensive ships in the ports. It was then that the Triarch admirals met the first inquisitorial ships. Much like their soldier counterparts, ships of the Kurgan Inquisition were able to negate the mana which propelled the Triarchan ships. Before the captains and admirals knew it, their fleets had ground to a halt, and were sitting ducks when the Kurgan ships fired volleys of arrows, and rained flaming brimstone from above with catapults and trebuchets. With the grand majority of the Triarchan military crushed, the Kurgans faced little resistance as they campaigned across the Republic's lands. Any and all magical artifacts were taken and destroyed by the inquisition. Magi of all ages were either imprisoned or executed. To the rest of the world, the Kurgans were aggressors who were moving to aggressively expand and wipe out cultures along the way. Though the Kurgans, rightly so, knew they were marching to save Arkadia from certain doom. Despite the noble intentions that the Kurgans had, the nations of Arkadia only saw them with the Triarchan Republic in flames behind them. [/hider] [/center]