[b]Welcome!! You have received this letter due to the fact of the ever shifting attitude towards races and those with special gifts. The war between humans and the dark elves raged for hundreds of years, sadly with the human on top. Now our people are being hunted because of the jealousy of humans not having magic. I, Thortan Masters am inviting you to my mansion for safe harbor from the Magi Hunters. I am nestled a few short miles away from Arden City in the thicket of the Whispered Woods. If you accept my invitation, show this letter to the Will-O-Wisps, and they assured me they would lead you here and not kill you. There will be those here to help you develope and control your powers!! A wonderful cook, or so I am told... I don't eat usually... And plenty of room for those down and out on their luck!! So please hurry, hurry, I impatiently await you!! Thortan Masters 💜💜 [/b] This is an old RP that me and a few friends ran on an older site a few years ago. We decided to bring it back to have some fun!! Please respect our rules, and the direction of our story, however we decide to move it this time around. 😁😁 [color=ed1c24][b]Rules: 1: Please at least once a week leave a post, I know life happens, if you can't keep up once a week it slows things down a lot. 2: No god modding without the other person's permission, same goes with killing. 3. Put your CS in it's proper spot, but don't start until approved. 4. I couldn't care less about Grammer, we all grew up in different places with different rules, but please make sure it is readable. 5. Wanna have sex?? Yay!! Sounds like fun, but please take it to the PMs. There may be other rules, my partners in crime will I am sure add if they think of any.[/b][/color] [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Race: Description/picture (if you want) Powers: Weapons(if any): History: Odds and ends: (Want to add something not here??) [b]A little backstory.[/b] [hider=My Hider] History Three thousand years ago the great Dark Elf queen teamed up with Erebus's, the God of Darkness and chaos, to defeat Lumina's, the goddess of light and order. She had intended to remove free will from the people, so as to bring perfect order to the world. After banding together with the other races they managed to imprison her in an other dimension. Peace and prosperity ruled again, or so everyone thought. The humans had grown jealous of the other races ability to weird magic on a more bigger scale, and ignited a war on the other races. Although they had magic on their side, the mythical races couldn't keep up with the numbers and technically superior humans. Now only pockets of elves, orcs and the others remain. Ruthlessly hunted by human assassin's called Magi Hunters. [/hider] [hider=My Hider] Races: Elves: Elves come in all shapes and sizes and different types that specialize in different magics. Water eleves: Usually coastal or island elves, they have a strong relationship with water, and it's healing powers. Wood elves: Live in the deep forests of the world. Rarely seen any more. Good with nature bound earth magic, defense. Mountain elves: Can be found high above the breathing limit of humans. In tune with the air around them, uses it for attacking and weather controlling. Desert Elves: Found in only the hottest of climates. Controls fire for extremely damaging attacks. High Elves: They are found in various places, often trying to pass as human to blend in. Basic use of all magic, but can also use light magic. Uses are dispelling other magics, and conjuring. Dark Elves: The fewest of the races now, can be found scattered like their cousins. Also can use basic other elements, specialize in Shadow magic. Conjuring, deception. Dwarves: Live mostly underground. Tend to wield fire or earth magics. Orcs: Stay close to ruins, and places of death. Favor Earth and air magics. Humans: Easily adaptable, can be found all over. Almost all cannot wield magic. Evolved: Live with humans when they can. They are the few humans who can wield magics and have other gifts. (think X-Men) Other: We are open to other mythical creatures and such. Also, the races can use other magics, the ones there are just their preferred. [/hider]