[hider=The Expert of Her Field] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IoaA4SE.jpg?1[/img][/center] NAME: Nyte HAIR COLOR: N/A EYE COLOR: N/A DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: No physical form, bad puns. SCARS AND BIRTHMARKS: N/A WHO ARE THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY? WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE DO THEY SURROUND THEMSELVES WITH? Nyte has no family, but enjoys having many friends with people of all kinds. She prefers surrounding herself with kind and loving people, and those who enjoy the beauty of the world just as much as she does. WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE HAVE THEY LIVED SINCE THEN? WHERE IS HOME? Nyte formed in the lands of Patriam, a colossal desert littered with iron pillars that originate deep below the surface. She considers no one place home, exploring and discovering new things with every passing day. New landscapes, new people, new knowledge. At the moment, though, she's staying in an unnamed forest outside of Occurro, a city of walking buildings and swirling rivers. WHERE DO THEY GO WHEN THEY'RE ANGRY? Nyte spends time away from her metals to avoid people and escape into nature. Anywhere with a beautiful view, even of the sky, will help her calm and relax. WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST FEAR? WHO HAVE THEY TOLD ABOUT IT? WHO WOULD THEY NEVER TELL? Nyte's biggest fear is attachment in all forms, whether literal or to locations and people emotionally. She has told and will tell nobody, unless she has already given in. DO THEY HAVE A SECRET? Nyte has many secrets. WHAT MAKES THEM LAUGH OUT LOUD? A good joke, a bad joke, a funny face, impersonations, animals, trees, her own imagination, et cetera... HAVE THEY EVER BEEN IN LOVE? [color=7a33ff]Yes.[/color] DESCRIBE THE THINGS THAT WOULD BE HARD FOR THEM TO PART WITH. Nothing is permanent in Nyte's world, and she has little difficulty parting with most things in her life. Trusted friends are extremely hard for her to part with, however. LOOK DOWN AT THEIR FEET. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU SEE. What feet? Do you mean these iron boots? They are quite shiny. WHEN THEY THINK OF THEIR CHILDHOOD KITCHEN, WHAT SMELL DO THEY ASSOCIATE WITH IT? WHY DOES IT RESONATE? Though not needing food herself, Nyte has worked in many kitchens during her earlier life, and the smell of warm dumplings and soup often comes to her mind first. It always reminds her of the children who ate it. DESCRIBE ONE STRONG MEMORY THAT HAS STUCK WITH THEM FROM CHILDHOOD. Her first time outside of Patriam, when Nyte discovered the color green. The green in the sky, the green in the trees, the green beneath her feet and the green all around her. It remains to this day her favorite color. WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST OF ALL? To learn everything that she can, to explore every nook and cranny in the world so that when she has finally succeeded, she may turn around and go back again to see all that has changed. RIGHT NOW, IN THE FIRST MOMENT OF OUR STORY, WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST PROBLEM? Nyte's current set of armor is old and rusted, making it difficult to properly maneuver and looking less and less presentable as time goes on. Spending most of her time in misty forests probably isn't helping. She'd like a new set, or at least a nice shiny pair of gauntlets so she can open doors and hug people![/hider]