Here's my "application." [@Mokley] [hider=My Hider] NAME: Aro Danius HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Pale blue eyes (Think Husky eyes) DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Rather pale and rarely smiles. SCARS AND BIRTHMARKS: Three long claw marks that have yet to fade run along her back. They're from a griffin she wasn't fully prepared to deal with. FRIENDS AND FAMILY, PEOPLE THEY SURROUND THEMSELVES WITH? She used to wander with her mother, her only living relative. That was until she was ripped apart by the very same Griffin who attacked both her and her group. Now she wanders alone. She prefers to be around people who are intelligent and have a quick wit. Aro also values humor in a person, even though her kind of joke isn't exactly the cleanest. WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE HAVE THEY LIVED SINCE THEN? WHERE IS HOME? Aro was born in a small unnamed grove but hasn't seen it since the day she was carried away in her mother's arms. She doesn't remember the place, she only remembers her mother's stories of it. Aro is a Vagrant, she lives on the road. To someone who wanders, home is where they are. They don't have a special building or a special place, to them, especially to her, home is where the heart is. WHERE DO THEY GO WHEN THEY'RE ANGRY? When upset, Aro used to run into her mother's arms. Now, without her, she has nowhere to go but inside of herself. When she's angry she traps herself in her thoughts, not paying attention to the world around her. That is until something knocks her out of her mind. Then she will focus her unbridled rage and the thing that took her out of the one place she considers safe. WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST FEAR? WHO HAVE THEY TOLD ABOUT IT? WHO WOULD THEY NEVER TELL? Aro's biggest fear is being abandoned. Having someone that has stayed with you through thick and thin suddenly leave you for something they consider better is something that will always make her feel pathetic and weak. She hates even the idea of being left behind. The only person she's ever told about her fear was her mother and a few of her fellow travelers, who are all now dead. Aro is the kind of person to open up to anyone who asks, so it's not really much of a secret that she's afraid of such a silly sounding thing as being abandoned. DO THEY HAVE A SECRET? Aro's secret is that she was the real reason her group got attacked. She was the watch for the night and should've easily spotted the monster that killed her mother. But she was distracted, something that the group would shame her for. Aro didn't notice the Griffin until it was already upon them, ripping her friends and family apart. She ran as fast as she could, the monster only catching her once before she made it into cover. Ever since, Aro has felt like she doesn't deserve to be near anyone, for she would only get them killed. She keeps this secret buried, and hasn't let it breathe since the day it happened. WHAT MAKES THEM LAUGH OUT LOUD? Aro enjoys a kind of slapstick humor, and if anyone falls down or hurts themselves in a ridiculous way, she's bound to laugh. HAVE THEY EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Once, but they too fell victim to the Griffin that has scarred her in more ways than one. DESCRIBE THE THINGS THAT WOULD BE HARD FOR THEM TO PART WITH. Aro takes personal gifts very seriously and will put up a fight for them if they're taken. She has two gifts, a necklace given to her by her mother, and a scarf which was hand-made by the leader of their group's mother. LOOK DOWN AT THEIR FEET. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU SEE. Fawn brown shoes covering small, pale, dirty feet. She prefers walking barefoot, so if she doesn't think she needs to, she won't wear shoes. WHEN THEY THINK OF THEIR CHILDHOOD KITCHEN, WHAT SMELL DO THEY ASSOCIATE WITH IT? WHY DOES IT RESONATE? Aro really never had a kitchen, but her group had always gathered around a fire to share stories while some sort of red meat was being cooked. To her, dirt and cooking meat are the smells of home. DESCRIBE ONE STRONG MEMORY THAT HAS STUCK WITH THEM FROM CHILDHOOD. Aro had seen first hand what the Griffin had done to her mother, and has never been able to remove the thought from her mind. WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST OF ALL? Aro wants to be love without fear that they will one day die. She wants to feel that it's alright to care and that she won't be the reason that her loved ones will perish. RIGHT NOW, IN THE FIRST MOMENT OF OUR STORY, WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST PROBLEM? Lost in an angry thought, Aro wasn't paying enough attention to her surroundings. She is now stuck, hanging upside down with her feet tied from a rope hanging from a rather large tree. Her pack is on the ground, along with any sharp objects she could use to free herself. At this moment, Aro is waiting for whatever set the trap to arrive and kill her. That is unless she finds a way to free herself from the trap. [/hider]