[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3g3hssS.png[/img][/center] Had Ozymandias had the good sense to not insult Nero from within her own Reality Marble, he might have found his lasers to be having substantially more effect on the beast. Instead, having chosen to try and upstage the theatre's owner, it was striking back at him... insuring that the Emperor would be able to shine to her fullest ability. By the same token, the theatre was reshaping, altering to deny the beast the advantage it so craved. Specifically, sluices opened in the walls of the theatre, draining it faster than it could possibly be filled--though to where the water flowed was a question best not thought about too hard. "You truly believe that you can outshine the Flower of Olympia in her own theatre? You are a bold one to make such a claim, but here, in this theatre of gold and the sea breeze on the air... none can shine more brightly than I!" Nero claimed, stepping forwards and firmly angling her sword. It seemed unlikely that the small girl would be able to outdo the other Saber in swordplay even in the best case scenario, but here it was even easier for her to operate as style demanded, not practicality. A line of flames ran up the embryonic flame, and Nero moved--not really a traceable slash; one second the near side of the beast, and the next standing beyond it, sword in hand. It spun, once, flaming sword clicking against the ground with nary a trace of having actually done anything. Then, in her wake, a line of exploding flame.