[i]"I'm not heartless just a Slacker who wants to get by on only what is required with the least effort. If everyone gets sick then I have to constantly disinfect clean up and well work my rear off; I hate it. I only perform a logical function to limit your chances of cross infection; part of that is shortening your recovery time"[/i] said Mandy as her fingers fly across the keys of her laptop at 115 wp. and the music shifts [youtube]https://youtu.be/Nw2iipzHl3w[/youtube] [i]"Did you know that during a ritual a Voodoo worshiper is filled by Loa, lwa and the like which compel the person to either act like an animal or a lust filled being. Some believe its possible to make people into a living zombie kind of like the date rape drugs work but on a more permanent level and one of the key ingredients is a fungus? "[/i] [hr][hr] [youtube]https://youtu.be/ccY25Cb3im0[/youtube] Mandy stands when the normally dull-witted algorithm picks a good song to follow. Her hips begin to sway in slow arcs like a belly dancer [i]"Then there's what I discovered about hormonal levels and their effect on viruses. You see the immediate effect of altering the body chemistry is to shift the power of those antibodies native to the body as compared to an invader. I read somewhere that long ago to help a king or hero recover it sometimes only took a dance from a young woman. They attributed the effect to a goddesses intervention but I believe it was active body chemistry"[/i]