[@Dnafein] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/aldrich-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171018/4c461105d3aa5a2e7715829188ddd8cc.png[/img][/url] [h2]"She Da Devil"[/h2][/center] Vicky heard Billy’s shot but saw no strikes in her field of view but she did see a guy with a shotgun among the raiders and it was a drum fed semiauto think he could make better cover between shots; he forgot or didn’t know there were 2 rifles looking down. [h2]SNAP![/h2] Went the enfield sending another 30/06 round down range to enter his left ear and pop out his right eye. It was another perfect shot won after hours, weeks, months, and years of dedication to never wasting a shot for making another problem allowing a downed foe to become a Risen by her hand. Many who watched the yearly competition with black powder and saw the display of the Marksmen mistook accuracy as showing off which it was at competition but here it was a business that required precision because unless they were lucky she and Billy had 100 rounds each to last till their return. She had to check fire at that point as she saw a close silhouette cross her field as an unfocused blur. That’s when she saw a black haired girl and about 8 kids of mixed sex and under 10 above 6 years old. The girl was running at an angle to her and Billy’s position and would soon be behind them and the kids out of the battle field. [i]”Billy NCBs east west moving through our forward cover[/i] she said calmly but felt a pain maternal tug her to see them safe and protected as she made sure her partner had them registered