Just so you are all familiar, the classes/roles within the Squad go as such... - Scout, the mid-long ranged rifleman of the group. Most common. - Lancer, the Anti-tank specialists who utilize [url=http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/42613088/images/1442718262327.png]the lance[/url]. - Shocktrooper, who specialize in breakthrough/spearheading tactics, utilizing sub-machine guns. - Engineer, the combat/field maintenance for vehicles, as well as the ones who supply the squad with ammo, ragnite health packs and disable mines/tank traps along the way. Closest you'll get to a combat medic. Similar weaponry to the scout, but lacks grenades. - Sniper, does what they say on the tin. Specialize in long range combat. There are also a few positions open for tank/vehicle crew. As far as the current numbers go, there'll be two positions open for that. If we get, say, several more parts of interest, three spaces will be open, though the rotation will vary depending on the operation, vehicle they are best within and terms of situation. They will be supplied with a carbine instead of a Gallian sidearm to add more versatility when outside of their vehicle, which is common.