Would you guys like floor plans? I can make them and I like them very much, but I haven't found a suitable floor plan maker as of yet.. I've been looking for a while now but I just cant seem to find anything. The best one I've seen so far is Pyromancer Dungeon Painter, and I'm not completely thrilled with it (being an artist sometimes means that you are never satisfied with anything..) and I can make generalized plans pretty good with it but I'll have to find something a bit better in the way of objects or assets because these suck. If you guys have any suggestions then I'd love to here them. The Pyromancer site has pretty decent tiles and stuff, just horrible objects and other stuff.. I want the floor plans to have a polished finished look, or I can go old D&d style black and white, then I can do a bit of brushing it up via photoshop (I'm trying to stay out od PS as much as possible due to time consumption. Needing fast and generic without the look..). The faster I can make them the more I can make.