[@VitoftheVoid] [h3]Erubesco, The Citadel[/h3] The moment Aran seated himself, the meeting had begun, there were quite a few people here he was familiar with. First of all, the star of Erubesco, the poster child of the nation, none other than Korra Norrevinter herself, he wondered why someone like her was present for the meeting, she wasn't the brightest mind one could find around here, maybe he would use his gift on her, find out a bit more about her past and see what secrets she held. However, his sights once again moved along the people in this meeting and saw quite a few people he only seen by sight, but never truly heard anything about, most of the time, because he did not care about them that much, but now that they were present here, his interest in them was certainly piqued now that they were present here. However, as his sight wandered around the table, his sight fell not on one of the people at the table, but the one arranging the food and offering the service talk, a young girl covered in scars, stitches and bandages all over the place, for a moment, she seemed familiar and he soon realized why. After some of his least successful experiments died when trying to insert an extra gift in them, their minds were blown... all over the floor most of the time and this girl was the one cleaning said mind off the floors. "No problem, young girl, I myself have just arrived, no need to apologize!" Aran smiled at the girl and placed his hand on her shoulder, as a way to make her feel a bit better about herself, he had to maintain his reputation within the facility as a compassionate man. However, the moment he touched her, his gift activated and he attempted to peer into the girl's mind, to see what she was all about, her history, why she was being experimented on and by whom, these were all questions floating around his mind and he hoped that she would not try to resist, or he would not be able to find out anything about her and he could exactly force her on this... especially here and this moment. After a few seconds, giving up no other emotions, Aran removed his hand from the girl's shoulder and smiled towards Commander Madison, raising his hand before she would start to speak. "Ah, I'm sorry for interrupting, mister Madison, but I need to make a quick request here." he said rising from his seat, towering above everyone else. "As a few people here know, my currently assigned mission is to create artificial gifts and attempt to find a way to place them within another person with a gift already. Essentially, what I'm currently trying to do is to attempt to create people that are able to use more than one gift, super soldiers, if you will." he said, his expression turning completely serious as he stated explaining his mission now... and his grievances. "As you can all imagine, it is taxing enough on the mind already to handle one gift, more than one would result on the brain of the victim to essentially overload and short circuit something which results in their death. However, I've found whilst testing that particularly mentally gifted characters are able to take that second gift without their brain simply stopping to function altogether, even though they often went insane from the process which in itself means it is a failure, but that only served to help me get closer to my assigned mission." He smiled all the time he explained the process and though he imagined that people would either be bored by this, or slightly terrified by the fact, he was proud by what he was doing. "However, in the past few months I've been supplied only with low quality individuals, like captured enemy grunts, low quality serfs... no offense, my lady." he said, looking at Caddie for a moment before turning towards the two Commanders. "When I started these experiments, I was supplied with both low quality individuals and individuals who would actually help my task progress, but now, the best thing I can look up to in my experiments is their brains simply overloading and dying. The worst thing about it, is their damn heads exploding and making a mess!" he says, looking quite annoyed by what he was speaking about. "I know it isn't that easy to get smart people to be my experiments, we need those bright minds to help us advance, but what I am basically doing here is executing people and I did not become an Alchemist to kill people, so if you would please take this into consideration and bring me proper subject... it would really help me advance my experiments." With that, he looked around at everyone and their expressions before bowing at the two present Knight Commanders. "Thank you for listening to my selfish grievances, you may proceed, Mr. Madison." And with that, Aran seated himself once more, he sort of expected a negative answer to his grievance, but nonetheless it did feel good to take this matter off his chest and did the best he could not smile from the relief he felt from having done this.