The mist rolled through the forest slowly, giving it the frightening appearance that kept the humans from entering. If any dared to try, the Will-O-Wisp took care of them. Thortan casually strolled through the Mansion he was able to build out here. He was annoyed that he was sent into hiding by the Queen, he should out there fighting in the war trying to save his people, but he also knew why she had sent him away. The humans were to numerous to defeat, multiplying fast than rabbits, the other races could not keep up. Now Queen Selexnia was off at the great Elf Library trying to find a way to turn the tide of war. She truly believed that the answer lay within the stories of God's war fought against Lumina's. "I cannot fathom how fighting a mad Goddess could help us against these humans." He said to the empty house. He looked through his own extensive book collection, mostly on the different types of magic, ways to harness and use it. He wondered how many of his letters were answered, as well as how many people would make it to the house. "I should get a pet human, make him do things around the house. Most likely would name him Jasper." He mussed out loud, when suddenly a loud knock echoed through the house. "Ahh, the first to arrive, this should be fun!!" He walked down the stairs and opened the door, big grin on his face.